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The Dark Tower - Official Web Site. Warner Brothers Passes on Dark Tower Series (UNOFFICIAL NEWS)Posted: August 21st, 2012 2:00:52 pm EDT UPDATE: According to, it appears that Media Rights Capital (MRC) is now "in serious talks" to fund Imagine's Dark Tower project.

The Dark Tower - Official Web Site

This news comes on the heels of MRC's break-out success with this summer's Ted. This should be welcome news to the Constant Reader as Ted has proven to be a highly successfull R-rated film that contains flawless CGI and human interaction. More news as it happens. Online news sources including Entertainment Weekly and The Hollywood Reporter have posted that Warner Brothers has officially passed on Imagine Entertainment's long troubled adaptation of The Dark Tower series. Stephen King FR. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Stephen King FR

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