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VotingAPI: A framework for voting and rating modules. Last updated February 10, 2012.

VotingAPI: A framework for voting and rating modules

Created by PGiro on June 13, 2006.Edited by torotil, shopdogg, ericbroder, dajpanspokoj. Log in to edit this page. VotingAPI is a flexible, easy-to-use framework for rating, voting, moderation, and consensus-gathering modules in Drupal. It allows module developers to focus on their ideas (say, providing a 'rate this thread' widget at the bottom of each forum post) without worrying about the grunt work of storing votes, preventing ballot-stuffing, calculating the results, and so on. VotingAPI does four key jobs for module developers: CRUD: Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete operations for voting data.

If you're a Drupal user looking for a voting or rating module (rather than just a framework), or you're a developer looking for examples of VotingAPI based code, check out some of the following projects: Modules that are no longer actively maintained (may be easy to update and have interesting ideas on how to write a VotingAPI module): Looking for support? User Points. This module provides an API for users to gain or lose points for performing certain actions on your site.

User Points

In conjunction with other modules, such as the Userpoints Nodes and Comments users can accumulate points for actions such as posting nodes, commenting or moderation duties. Use one of the many contributed modules to extend the functionality of the module to include point accumulation on page views or votes, upgrade roles based on point balance, or purchase goods from your store. This module is useful in providing an incentive for users to participate in the site, and be more active. Userpoints is included in the Drupal Commons distribution. What it does Userpoints provides the following: Contributed modules The power of this module comes in the ability to extend and mold it to meet the unique requirements of your site.

In the User Points contributed modules project you can find a collection of modules written by the community and provided in a single downloadable tarball. Sites More info. User Points - Rules Integration. User Points Contributed modules. This is a collection of modules that make use of User Points module API.

User Points Contributed modules

If you created a module that uses the Userpoints API and it does not have its own project, please contribute it by submitting an issue and attaching a tar.gz of the .info and .module files you created. Please describe what your module does in a bit of detail. You can use other modules here as a starting point or sample for what can be achieved by userpoints. Drupal 6 All modules listed below are available unless noted otherwise.