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Why young employees quit their jobs. Tuesday, September 18, 2012 The biggest reason young, talented workers leave for new jobs?

why young employees quit their jobs

They’re not learning enough, writes Diane Stafford of the Kansas City Star: “Hirers often complain that their young workers jump ship quickly. A study published this summer in the Harvard Business Review confirmed that young top performers—the workers that organizations would most like to stick around—are leaving in droves.

Ready to move on? How to quit with class. When the time comes to leave a job, remember that you'll leave much more than an empty desk behind. Colleagues may be more likely to remember your conduct in the final days than the high points of your tenure. Don't erase years of hard work and positive goodwill with a less-than-graceful exit. Here's how to leave with your good reputation intact: Avoid reaching the boiling point. Many workers are feeling increased stress and frustration on the job. Building a "Slash" Career across Multiple Fields, Part 1.

Building a "Slash" Career across Multiple Fields, Part 2.