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Personaliza el reproductor de Youtube a tu gusto - El blog del editor de video. Si alguna vez has intentado compartir alguno de tus vídeos en Internet, te habrás dado cuenta de que no existe una solución buena, bonita y barata.

Personaliza el reproductor de Youtube a tu gusto - El blog del editor de video

Y con barata, quiero decir gratis. A no ser que seas una empresa o profesional muy solvente y puedas contratar tu propio servidor para distribuir tus vídeos, te verás obligado a utilizar alguna de las plataformas gratuitas que existen. Principalmente, los profesionales audiovisuales trabajan con Youtube o Vimeo. Las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada plataforma las explicaré en un post próximamente. En cambio, hoy quiero mostrarte el potencial oculto de la plataforma Youtube y las posibilidades que nos ofrece para personalizar los reproductores que incrustamos en nuestras webs. A continuación te enseñaré una serie de técnicas que te ayudarán a conseguir la apariencia y la funcionalidad que deseas con tu reproductor de Youtube. 1.

Insertar un vídeo de Youtube en una web se suele llamar embeber, que significa incrustar. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10 trucos que todo usuario de YouTube debería conocer. Ustedes ya saben acerca de YouTube, el sitio más popular de vídeos de Internet.

10 trucos que todo usuario de YouTube debería conocer

Y es que los medios de comunicación no dejan de nombrarlo y todo el mundo de usarlo. Pero, si desean hacer más que buscar y reproducir vídeos, aquí les dejo algunos de los mejores trucos que se pueden hacer con las URLs de YouTube, que sin duda todo usuario debería conocer... 1. Ver vídeos en alta definición YouTube nos ofrece la posibilidad de ver videos en alta definición, pero sólo en algunos de ellos; sin embargo, nosotros podemos saber si un vídeo esta en alta definición cuando su URL contenga alguno de estos parámetros: ‘&fmt=18′ (estéreo, 480 x 270 de resolución) o ‘&fmt=22′ (estéreo, 1280 x 720 de resolución) para una aún mejor calidad. 2.

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Services. Revista de Diseño, Comunicación y Moda. Presentation Training. Check out our services below to see how.

Presentation Training

Presentation Training There’s a movie where an old has-been sports star comes across a young up-and-comer with big talent and a bigger chip on his shoulder. “Coach”, as we’ll call him, breaks the kid down into a million bits of emotional garbage and then reassembles an athletic masterpiece for all to behold. Trophies are won. We really liked that movie, so we try to talk as much about your childhood fears as possible when we offer training for your upcoming presentation. The reason, of course, is that we spend so much time in our own shoes that we forget other people don’t know how many times those shoes were taken from us in gym class and thrown into toilets.

In reality, we tend to keep our thoughts about your childhood in our heads.

Diseño web

Website Fonts & Typography. Arte. Photo Galleries by Marmalade Photography, Chicago Photographer for Maternity, Newborn, Baby and Children's Photography. Back to galleries follow my pins follow me on facebook Newborn Photography Session gallery.php?

Photo Galleries by Marmalade Photography, Chicago Photographer for Maternity, Newborn, Baby and Children's Photography

Curr_page=1&sec_id=50&gal_id=3&gal_type=&gal_name=Newborn+Photography+Session 9/featured/Newborn_Photography_Session/3 none Brothers - A Full Custom Session gallery.php? 9/featured/Brothers_-_A_Full_Custom_Session/5 Tween Girl Session gallery.php? 9/featured/Tween_Girl_Session/6 A Teen Session - Lincolnway High School Senior (+Siblings) Designing A Catalog From Conception To Completion - A Catalog Design Tutorial. Designing A Catalog From Conception To Completion By Elle Phillips, Elle Phillips Design We are very excited to have Elle Phillips guest write for us this week.

Designing A Catalog From Conception To Completion - A Catalog Design Tutorial

Please visit her fabulous portfolio to see more of her wonderful work. You will find that this catalog design article is very well written, informative, and extremely helpful. She wrote this article to guide you through her own graphic design process, from conception to completion. In the recent case of one of my clients, RT Foods, Inc., it became my job to create a fresh and up-to-date look for their 2008 Product Catalog – the product being a line of frozen foods under the brand name TigerThai®. Step 1: Research Before starting any project, ask questions! Who is the target market? Get as much information as you can and it will save you time and hassle later on. Step 2: Conception When I started working as a designer over 11 years ago, the “cut and paste” era was coming to a close, giving way fully to computers.

Showcase Of WP Blog Designs: The Way They Should Be Done. Not many people blog anymore as much as they did a few years ago.

Showcase Of WP Blog Designs: The Way They Should Be Done

Probably the micro blogging platforms are a reason why this is happening. However, those who actually write on blogs are careful with their blog’s design. The themes and designs on Tumblr are mostly ugly at the moment and quite slow on loading, while WordPress still kicks ass. This is why I want to focus on WordPress blog designs alone. Your free online color matching toolbox.