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Classroom Management

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Classroom mangagement + first days of school. Random Name Generator. Education Week. Published Online: October 1, 2013 By Sandy Merz Early in my career, I didn't have big reservations about yelling at a class. It was the only way to get through. Sometimes I needed to vent, and I felt better afterward. Students needed to know my limits. Yelling knocked them off-balance. Wait. Yelling gets through to no one.

Responding Silently Several years ago, I was teaching kids in my lab-based engineering class, and it seemed like just about every one of them had found a way to go "off-task. " I went silent, using hand gestures to get my students' attention. What on earth was Mr. I signaled for them to get out a pen and paper. "Write down every word. The class was copying furiously. "I want to have fun in this class, and I know you’d rather work on projects than take notes. I went on for a while, pausing more frequently to give kids a chance to catch up. An Element of Surprise A silent, focused rant surprises students. It gives us all a chance to reset. Make sure you're justified. Web Only. - Online alarm clock with multiple alarms. Smart Classroom Management. Bouncy Balls - Bounce balls with your microphone!