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¿Por qué nos atrapa el olor a tierra mojada? ¿Qué siente cuando huele las páginas de un libro nuevo?

¿Por qué nos atrapa el olor a tierra mojada?

¿Y cuándo percibe el aroma a pan recién horneado? ¿O el olor a tierra mojada? Seguro que ninguno de estos aromas le deja indiferente. En general, experimentamos una agradable sensación de bienestar ante ciertos efluvios como el de libro viejo o café recién hecho. Pero ¿por qué nos hacen sentir así de bien? Un billón de olores Hasta ahora solo se había podido determinar la capacidad del ser humano para distinguir entre 10.000 olores, pero un estudio reciente llevado a cabo en la Universidad de Rockefeller (Nueva York, Estados Unidos) ha disparado la cifra hasta un billón. La respuesta neurológica ¿Quién no ha inspirado alguna vez con intensidad metiendo sus narices entre las páginas de un libro nuevo o se ha llenado los pulmones con el aroma a hierba recién cortada?

Ahora bien, ¿por qué nuestra reacción ante estos olores es tan similar? A Better Me & You. ¿Cómo dice que dijo? Artìculos. How to Read Body Language to Reveal the Underlying Truth in Almost Any Situation. 9 secrets from a 73-year marriage - Frugal Mom - Family and Parenting - MSN Living#1. Messiah College senior's film calls for extras at Carlisle Theatre Rolando Vega. The cameras are rolling at Carlisle Theatre this week.

Messiah College senior's film calls for extras at Carlisle Theatre Rolando Vega

Rolando Vega, 21, a senior film major at Messiah College, and a crew comprised of his classmates are putting in 12-plus-hour days to bring to life his original story centered on a love for film and the movies. “Palace” tells the story of Leo, a projectionist in a 1940s movie theater who becomes a manager and eventual owner of the theater while raising his granddaughter, Melanie.

She, too, becomes a projectionist, having grown up alongside all the classic movies shown by her grandfather. As the decades pass, the theater becomes less and less a focal point of the community. Enter Derek, an executive from a corporation that wants to buy the theater and demolish it in order to build a better facility. “’Palace’ is a film about the human connection to art, specifically cinematic art, and how it can change us, especially at a younger age,” Vega said. The film began as an academic project with a single scene in mind, Vega said. Seis cosas que no sabías de las personas zurdas. A lo largo de la historia, las personas zurdas se han visto envueltas en el misterio. El uso de su mano izquierda como predominante, ha despertado mitos, leyendas, estudios y polémica. Pero en un mundo de diestros, ser zurdo también implica ventajas y desventajas. Conoce seis peculiaridades al respecto. 5 Firefox Security Settings for Safety. It’s time for Halloween in the U.S. and people have scary things on their mind.

5 Firefox Security Settings for Safety

There are scary things on the Internet as well, but Firefox doesn’t want you to get “tricked.” For a Halloween “treat” instead, here’s an overview of some of the security settings you’ll find in Firefox. For PC users, go to your Firefox Menu and select Options > Options. In that menu, click on the Security tab (with the lock icon). Here are some of the settings you can chose to increase (or decrease) your security on Firefox and how they can protect you: NUESTRA AUTORIDAD AAA. 60 of the world's happiest facts. 1.

60 of the world's happiest facts

A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. 2. If you fake laugh long enough you’ll start to really laugh, really, really hard. 3. The book cover to the prize winning short story collection, Spellbound, was chosen because author, Joel Willans, bought his wife’s engagement ring with poker winnings. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is the difference between AMD and Intel processors. Cookie23. Add Copy To / Move To on Windows 7 or Vista Right-Click Menu. Here at geek central, we’re in the business of making things as easy as possible.

Add Copy To / Move To on Windows 7 or Vista Right-Click Menu

There’s a registry hack for Windows that will let you add a Copy To Folder or Move To Folder to the right-click menu, which can be very useful when you want to move a file but don’t have the other folder open already. Right-click on a file: And up pops a nice dialog that you can use to easily drop a file into the right directory. Install Just download, unzip, and double-click on the registry files. Download Copy To / Move To Registry Tweak Note: We’ve written about the manual way to do this before. Lowell Heddings, better known online as the How-To Geek, spends all his free time bringing you fresh geekery on a daily basis. True Secret to Success: Gratitude. I'm utterly convinced that the key to lifelong success is the regular exercise of a single emotional muscle: gratitude. People who approach life with a sense of gratitude are constantly aware of what's wonderful in their life.

Because they enjoy the fruits of their successes, they seek out more success. And when things don't go as planned, people who are grateful can put failure into perspective. By contrast, people who lack gratitude are never truly happy. Apple's Insanely Great 1986 Clothing Line [PICS]