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Krishna Das - Jaya Bhagavan (Live) - Last. Krishna Das - About KD. Layering traditional Hindu kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation, Krishna Das has been called yoga's "rock star. " With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das – known to friends, family, and fans as simply KD – has taken the call-and-response chanting out of yoga centers and into concert halls, becoming a worldwide icon and the best-selling chant artist of all time, with over 300,000 records sold. His first studio recording in a decade, "HEART AS WIDE AS THE WORLD" invests KD's magnetic chanting with an electrifying rock 'n' roll sensibility informed by a lifetime of experience and musical love. Born Jeffrey Kagel, Krishna Das grew up in suburban New Hyde Park, Long Island, where music was part of his life from the get-go, taking some piano lessons before playing cornet and baritone euphonium in his high school marching band.

"When Maharaj-ji died," he recalls, "I quickly fell apart. Self Discovery, Self Help, Personal Growth - My Inner World. Yoga for Every Body. Journey of the Soul. "The kind of seed sown will produce that kind of fruit. Those who do good will reap good results. Those who do evil will reap evil results. If you carefully plant a good seed, You will joyfully gather good fruit. " Says Buddha Cause and Effect, these are not just two unrelated words –Look closely and you will see the link….

A lot of the time we only see the effect and completely fail to look behind it and see the cause. Whatever the effect is, the resulting cause is identical and in equal proportional. As per this theory nothing ever happens to us unless we merit it. Let’s say, you are getting ready to sit in on business deal…..but your self-belief is already low and feel, ‘that there is no way you're going to get the deal’….. Why did this happen? The law of cause and effect is known as karma. The thing about Karmic account is that it is dynamic …. What does it really mean? Karma comes from the Vedic system of religion…Hinduism.

So many unanswered questions....... The journey of this soul? Sanskrit-Wörterbuch. Meine Kräuterküche | Yoga Guide. In einer Woche, am Aschermittwoch (9.3.2011), beginnt die 40tägige Fastenzeit. Eine Zeit, die viele Menschen zum Anlass nehmen, bewusst auf zuviel (Medien-)Konsum oder üppige Nahrung zu verzichten, um wieder den Blick für das Wesentliche zu schärfen. Wie wäre es, heuer einmal 40 Tage lang auf Fleisch zu verzichten, wie es nach christlicher Tradition in der Fastenzeit üblich ist? Viele Yogis haben die fleischlose Küche ohnehin schon lange für sich entdeckt. Ob Neo-Vegetarier oder passionierter Vegetarier: Im Buch „Meine Kräuterküche“ von Gabriele Kurz findet jeder leckere Anregungen für vegetarische Bio-Küche auf höchstem Niveau. In ihrem neuen Kochbuch nimmt uns die Autorin mit auf eine spannende kulinarische Reise in die Welt der aromatischen Kräuter und Blüten.

Über 100 sorgfältig komponierte, überraschende und einfach nachzukochende Rezepte beweisen, wie groß die Bandbreite des Kochens mit Kräutern ist. Die Fotografin Barbara Lutterbeck Om, Sampoorna Yoga.