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Civilization V Wiki. Riviera: The Promised Land. Riviera: The Promised Land (Riviera ~約束の地リヴィエラ~, Riviera: Yakusoku No Chi Riviera?)

Riviera: The Promised Land

Is a role-playing video game originally produced in 2002 by Sting Entertainment for WonderSwan Color as the first episode of the Dept. Heaven series of games. The 6 Most Absurdly Difficult Video Game Puzzles. Video game puzzle designers tread a fine line: If the puzzles are too easy, they're boring, but if they're too hard, nobody will finish the game and you may wind up responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent controllers.

The 6 Most Absurdly Difficult Video Game Puzzles

The key is to make the difficulty of a puzzle come from a logical place so that solving it will make sense to the players, giving them a sense of well-earned accomplishment. But sometimes, the closest thing to a "logical place" that a game designer has is the cubbyhole underneath the toilet that his insane mother kept him in for most of his life. And that's how we get puzzles like these: Reviews and News Articles.

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