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Usefull Technology Articles

IllumiRoom. AR. Software. The Hand  And Eye - Multi-Function Design Table. Designer Michael Powers has devised a drafting table that combines all the designing tools together on its touch sensitive surface. Integrating a 19″ monitor, together with virtual keyboard and mouse on the touchscreen surface, the table comes built in with speakers, markers, tape, rulers, a digital camera, external hard drive, power strip and paper. Designers can load and arrange digital sketches wirelessly on the table, which can be saved in folders for future use. You may even make a copy of the sketch to edit for on the spot ideation.

With the backlit surface, users can give presentations in the daylight. Make an iPhone App, Create iPhone App, Create Android Apps. How Intangible Corporate Culture Creates Tangible Profits. Imagine a person from another planet turning up at a funeral here on Earth.

How Intangible Corporate Culture Creates Tangible Profits

Without having to be told, he would know that a funeral is not an appropriate place to tell jokes. This, Professor Michael Tushman tells his class at Harvard Business School, is the meaning of culture.

2013 2013 2013

Eduwork. Technology that is Kewl. Startup. Spring Rocket. Melbourne Silicon Beach (Melbourne. 9 Ways to Start Earning Extra Money on the Side. (99+) Silicon Beach Australia. Business Tools/Apps. Blog « CKTouch. Eyefinity Technology.