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Data visualisation tools. Topo-blend - 3D topology blending tool. Geometric Tools. The guide to implementing 2D platformers. Having previously been disappointed by the information available on the topic, this is my attempt at categorizing different ways to implement 2D platform games, list their strengths and weaknesses, and discuss some implementation details.

The guide to implementing 2D platformers

The long-term goal is to make this an exhaustive and comprehensible guide to the implementation of 2D platform games. If you have any sort of feedback, correction, request, or addition – please leave it in the comments! Disclaimer: some of the information presented here comes from reverse engineering the behavior of the game, not from its code or programmers. It’s possible that they are not ACTUALLY implemented in this way, and merely behave in an equivalent way. Also note that tile sizes are for the game logic, graphical tiles might be of a different size. I can think of four major ways in which a platform game can be implemented. Type #1: Tile-based (pure)

Math for Game Programmers 05 – Vector Cheat Sheet. This is the long due fifth article in this series.

Math for Game Programmers 05 – Vector Cheat Sheet

If you aren’t comfortable with vectors, you might want to take a look at the first four articles in this series before: Introduction, Vectors 101, Geometrical Representation of Vectors, Operations on Vectors. This cheat sheet will list several common geometrical problems found in games, and how to solve them with vector math. Complete list of basic vector operations But first, a little review. For this, I assume that you have a vector class readily available. Computer Graphics and Multimedia. Publications Efficient Enforcement of Hard Articulation Constraints in the Presence of Closed Loops and Contacts Robin Tomcin, Dominik Sibbing, Leif Kobbelt Eurographics 2014 In rigid body simulation, one must distinguish between contacts (so-called unilateral constraints) and articulations (bilateral constraints).

Computer Graphics and Multimedia

For contacts and friction, iterative solution methods have proven most useful for interactive applications, often in combination with Shock-Propagation in cases with strong interactions between contacts (such as stacks), prioritizing performance and plausibility over accuracy. Zometool Shape Approximation Henrik Zimmer, Florent Lafarge, Pierre Alliez, Leif Kobbelt Geometric Modeling and Processing 2014 (GMP) / Graphical Models (GMOD) We present an algorithm that approximates 2-manifold surfaces with Zometool models while preserving their topology.

Interactive Volume-Based Visualization and Exploration for Diffusion Fiber Tracking Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (2014) FastLSM: Fast Lattice Shape Matching for Robust Real-Time Deformation. OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework: start. Efros and Leung Texture Synthesis. (Picture taken at the CGVV'01 Workshop in Berkeley, CA) A non-parametric method for texture synthesis is proposed.

Efros and Leung Texture Synthesis

The texture synthesis process grows a new image outward from an initial seed, one pixel at a time. A Markov random field model is assumed, and the conditional distribution of a pixel given all its neighbors synthesized so far is estimated by querying the sample image and finding all similar neighborhoods. The degree of randomness is controlled by a single perceptually intuitive parameter. The method aims at preserving as much local structure as possible and produces good results for a wide variety of synthetic and real-world textures. Here is the pseudo code for the algorithm. Some examples of texture synthesis using our approach are shown below: Examples of constrained texture synthesis (hole-filling) using our approach: ``Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling'' Alexei A. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'99), Corfu, Greece, September 1999.

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