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It’s Time to Realize that Putin Is at War With America. This article first appeared on the Just Security site. While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global counterterrorism operations, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, it largely took its eye off what was happening in its Cold War foe, Russia. In 2000, a teetotaling KGB man and his associates took control from Russia’s first post-Soviet president, the boozy Boris Yeltsin. The new president, Vladimir Putin, initially struck an amicable tone with the West, offering up words of support to then U.S. president George W.

Bush after 9/11. Subscribe to Newsweek from $1 per week Despite this, Putin and his colleagues, many of whom came from the Soviet security services, were set on rebuilding Russia as a great power in accord with their own vision. Vladimir Putin watches exercises of Russia's Northern Fleet in the Barentsevo Sea, 06 April 2000. Finally, there’s Trump’s own attitude toward Russia. 8 Ways to Declutter Your Life. If you have ever taken the time to realize how cluttered your life is with work, school, finances and entertainment that doesn’t leave much time for you to think and organize yourself.

Disorganization leads to discontentment. Break down the decluttering process into steps so that it does not get too overwhelming, stumping any progress you may have made. Decluttering your personal life helps improve your performance at work too. Disorganization leads to discontentment. Break down the decluttering process into steps so that it does not get too overwhelming, stumping any progress you may have made. Decluttering your personal life helps improve your performance at work too. Use Mobile Apps to Organize Yourself Mobile applications add conveniences to your life.

Something as simple as shopper’s reward cards on a keychain can clutter your key ring and become an inconvenience. Create Home Organization Lists It is important for your home to be tidy and organized. Stop Multitasking Final Thoughts. Declassified CIA Manual Shows How US Uses Bureaucracy to Destabilize Governments. Submitted by Jake Anderson via, When most people think of CIA sabotage, they think of coups, assassinations, proxy wars, armed rebel groups, and even false flags - not strategic stupidity and purposeful bureaucratic ineptitude.

However, according to a declassified document from 1944, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which later became the CIA, used and trained a curious breed of “citizen-saboteurs” in occupied nations like Norway and France. The World War II-era document, called Simple Sabotage Field Manual, outlines ways in which operatives can disrupt and demoralize enemy administrators and police forces.

The first section of the document, which can be read in its entirety here, addresses “Organizations and Conferences” — and how to turn them into a “dysfunctional mess”: Insist on doing everything through “channels.” In a second section targeted at manager-saboteurs, the guide lists the following tactical moves: Your rating: None Average: 5 (12 votes)

The Russian Question—–How The War Party Has Demonized Putin & Co. It’s 2018, and President Hillary Clinton has announced that the Russians have violated her “no fly zone” over Syria. Damascus is about to fall, as jihadists – some armed and supported by the United States – gather in a final assault on the city. In the fog of war, a Russian fighter jet nearly collides with a US warplane sent in to fulfill the US “responsibility to protect” the “moderate” rebels. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the newly-elected ultra-nationalist government has declared its intention to take back Crimea, and the freshly-rearmed Ukrainian military – with the neo-Nazi Azov Brigade in the lead – moves into the city of Mariupol, which has just voted to secede from Ukraine and asked for Russian protection.

In Kalingrad, the isolated Russian outpost completely surrounded by Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea, groups funded by the EU are staging demonstrations demanding reunification with Germany. But we can’t do it without your help. Competing Worldviews. Ivan Ilyin and the Ideology of Putin's Rule | Foreign Affairs. In the last days of April, Russian television aired a 150-minute documentary about Vladimir Putin’s decade and a half as the leader of Russia. Shown around the anniversary of his first inauguration (May 7, 2000), the movie offered a blunt message: in the 15 years of Putin’s rule, he had saved Russia from the forces of destruction, both internal—Chechnya and the oligarchs—and external—insidious Western influence.

He, the movie repeatedly reinforced, is the only thing holding the country together. According to the film, moreover, Putin is not just a political savior: his leadership has also been important for the spiritual revival of Russia and its people. Fully six minutes of the movie were dedicated to a recounting of his work to repatriate the remains of White Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin.

Ilyin was unknown to the wider public before Russian filmmaker and conservative activist Nikita Mikhalkov brought him back from the abyss in the early 2000s. Your subscription includes: Here's how Facebook kicked off Ukraine's Euromaidan revolution Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan. US/NATO Embrace Psy-ops and Info-War. Exclusive: The U.S. government and NATO have entered the Brave New World of “strategic communications,” merging psy-ops, propaganda and P.R. in order to manage the perceptions of Americans and the world’s public, reports veteran war correspondent Don North.

By Don North As reflected in a recent NATO conference in Latvia and in the Pentagon’s new “Law of War” manual, the U.S. government has come to view the control and manipulation of information as a “soft power” weapon, merging psychological operations, propaganda and public affairs under the catch phrase “strategic communications.”

This attitude has led to treating psy-ops – manipulative techniques for influencing a target population’s state of mind and surreptitiously shaping people’s perceptions – as just a normal part of U.S. and NATO’s information policy. The Vietnam Debate Despite this willful slaughter of unarmed journalists, the reaction from most U.S. news organizations was muted. Targeting Al Jazeera During the Iraq War, Dr. The World Hates Russia. Russia Hates It Back. Russian President Vladimir Putin's propaganda targeted at audiences outside Russia doesn't work, but neither will any Western counter-efforts directed at Russians.

A new report from the Pew Research Center explains why. Pew surveyed public opinion among 45,435 respondents in 40 nations between March and May and found that almost everywhere, people had an unfavorable opinion of Russia: Europeans, whom the Kremlin would like to consider deluded U.S. followers, are often even more negative about Russia than Americans are -- and that's not just Poles, more exposed than others to the conflict in Ukraine, but also previously Russia-friendly Germans and French. Russia has few friends in the Middle East and Latin America. More Turks dislike it than view it favorably despite President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's warm relationship with Putin, and Venezuelans are no Russophiles despite their government's anti-American consensus with Moscow. In February, U.S. Mark Galeotti | The Russia Sanctions Have Failed—Here's What to Do Next.

Whether or not the West’s sanctions against Russia have been a success depends to a considerable degree on what one thinks the sanctions were meant to achieve and how quickly. More than a year on, Crimea remains occupied, Russia continues to interfere in Ukraine, and the longer-term goal of forcing the Kremlin to accept and abide by the accepted norms of international behavior remains out of reach. The Russian economy is suffering, but more because of low oil prices and structural economic weaknesses than the impact of sanctions, and Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to have concluded that the costs are bearable. So what now? Should the West simply be patient, or is it time for a change in strategy? One of the reasons that the sanctions regime has not been more effective is that Moscow believes it can easily strike back at the West, dividing the allies and undermining their will to maintain the current restrictions.

Mark Galeotti | The Russia Sanctions Have Failed—Here's What to Do Next. «Гонконгские» технологии на службе у ленивых киевских «креативщиков» Несколько дней назад в соцсетях начали активно постить двухцветные пропагандистские картинки, которые призваны показать разницу между украинцами и русскими. Причём русские там, как не сложно догадаться, выставляются исключительно в негативном свете, а украинцы – исключительно в позитивном.

Урок беспощадного москальско-ордынского креатива для наших киевских «небратьев» Причём чёткого авторства у картиночек нет, их выдают за «творчество коллектива энтузиастов». На самом деле это далеко не новая технология, и вовсе не украинская. Она американская. Там тоже, без особой фантазии, утверждалось, что китайцы рабы, а островитяне свободолюбивые, китайцы бескультурны, а островитяне носители древней цивилизации, китайцы бедны, а островитяне богаты и так далее. Такая, предельно примитивная пропаганда, рассчитанная на людей без критического мышления и с комплексом неполноценности. А вот некоторые украинцы с удовольствием ведутся. Предлагаю выпустить более реалистичный цикл аналогичных картинок: Internet Trolls: Propaganda's Final Frontier -

Introduction If we are now in fact living in a global village, it’s one where the inhabitants agree on just one thing: capitalism is the ideal model for generating economic growth. Everything else – political structure, religious and cultural values, and who gets the biggest slice of the capitalist pie – is all very much up in the air. These ideas matter. They can bring down national governments, influence foreign policies, and even alter the geopolitical landscape of entire regions ala the ‘Arab Spring.’ In extremis they can form the logical bedrock of a ‘civilizing’ mission of war and occupation. Politicians have sought to manipulate these ideas since the very first forums were cobbled together.

But the advent of the Internet has changed all that. The Internet is a game-changer in two ways. It should thus come as no surprise that various governments are actively engaged in molding Internet debate. Here are a few prominent examples, though the list can hardly be considered exhaustive: The manual al Qaeda and now ISIS use to brainwash people online. ДНР займется оккупированными территориями — от Харькова до Львова. В Донецкой Народной Республике создан Комитет агитации и пропаганды, который будет работать со всеми, кто проживает на временно оккупированных проамериканским марионеточным режимом территориях, от Харькова до Одессы, Киева и Западной Украины. Об этом заявил в сопредседатель Народного фронта Новороссии Константин Долгов. По словам Долгова, комитет создан силами его единомышленников, специалистов в общественно-политическом пиаре.

Все люди идейные, живут и работают в Донецке. Хотя многие родом из других регионов Украины. «Нас объединяет одна цель — создание большой Новороссии», — подчеркнул Долгов. «Мы считаем, что эти территории, на которых проживают около 35 млн граждан Украины, временно оккупированы незаконной марионеточной властью, управляемой из Вашингтона. Марина Кузина. EU drafts plan on Russia's media 'misuse' EU institutions aim to counter Russian propaganda with “positive” messages, media funding, and closer regulation, a new action plan says. The plan, a nine-page paper drafted by the EU foreign service and seen by EUobserver, will be discussed by ministers at a general affairs council on Tuesday (23 June), with a view to adoption by leaders on Thursday.

It notes that Russia’s “use and misuse of communication tools” has “played an important role in the dramatic political, economic, and security-related developments” in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood in the past 18 months. It calls for “promotion of EU policies” in former Soviet states, support for “independent media”, and “increased public awareness of disinformation activities by external actors”.

It says a new EU foreign service cell, called East StratComTeam, which is to be up-and-running by September, will shepherd activity. On the regulation front, the EU foreign service notes that “media policy remains primarily a national competence”. Filmmaker: WW3 will Begin with US Bombing Russian TV Networks. Award-winning Serbian director and musician Emir Kusturica believes that when Washington eventually starts World War III, RT will become one of its first and primary targets, being an extremely powerful weapon challenging US state propaganda.

In an article published by the Serbian daily Politika, Kusturica has aligned RT with Russia’s most powerful weapons, specifically the SS-18, an intercontinental ballistic missile which NATO is calling “Satan”: “The devil never comes alone! At the same time with this rocket and numerous other innovations, the TV Channel RT has also appeared among the Russian arsenal.” The RT network, Kusturica says, is destroying the “Hollywood-CNN stereotype of the good and bad guys, where blacks, Hispanics, Russians, Serbs are the villains, and white Americans, wherever you look, are OK!” Most of what Kusturica mentions in the article, indeed, are topics RT covers extensively... except maybe Coca-Cola’s cleaning properties. The Odd American View of Negotiation. One of the unfortunate corollaries of American exceptionalism is a warped and highly asymmetric conception of negotiation.

This conception can become a major impediment to the effective exercise of U.S. diplomacy. Although the attitudes that are part of this view of negotiation are not altogether unique to the United States, they are especially associated with American exceptionalist thinking about the supposed intrinsic superiority of U.S. positions and about how the sole superpower ought always to get its way. The corollary about negotiation is, stated in its simplest and bluntest terms, that negotiation is an encounter between diplomats in which the United States makes its demands—sometimes expressed as “red lines”—and the other side accepts those demands, with the task of the diplomats being to work out the details of implementation. Domestic American politics have followed a similar trajectory.

The Odd American View of Negotiation. Russian propaganda in Ukraine: Long live Ruthenia | The Economist. The Top Secret (Fake) Memo to Putin on How to Counter NATO’s Latest Move. Memo: Our Winning Strategy in EuropeFrom: Russian Strategic Planning CellTo: President Vladimir Putin 1. Let me begin by congratulating you, Mr. President, on our outstanding series of strategic moves in Europe. We have consolidated our annexation of Crimea, which now finds its rightful place back as part of Mother Russia. 2. 3. 4. First, these pre-positioned military stocks represent a real improvement in response times for NATO forces. Second, this will probably be only the first step toward permanently stationing other NATO and especially U.S. troops in Eastern Europe. Third, given the presence of the stockpiles, there will inevitably be a whole series of NATO exercises revolving around using them. 5.

Assuming you will want to follow through on our bold and absolutely correct comments about moving our forces to the borders of NATO countries, this will put an expensive burden on our armed-forces budget. Mr. I know this is delicate, but perhaps it is time for a little Maskirovka? 6. 7. Oil and Hubris Are Eroding Putin’s Early Economic Gains. British spies betrayed to Russians and Chinese. Sunday Times Snowden Story is Journalism at its Worst. How the Media Became One of Vladimir Putin’s Most Powerful Weapons. Russia Uses Money and Ideology to Fight Western Sanctions. War Party Propaganda—-How The NYT And White House Turn The Truth About Ukraine On Its Head. Russian Challenge. 2015-06-05 Russian Challenge. UKRAINE free donbass. Кто они, американские агенты TF121? America's Secret Elite Warriors Explained In One Simple Infographic.

Донбасс: битва разведок. [18+] Ukrainian Nazis execute ethnic Russians including pregnant woman. «Распятый солдат» и «Младенец с отрезанными руками» The Original Chechnya Bombers - The CIA, The Saudis And Bin Laden. Operation Moolah - The Plot to Buy a MIG. Even More Admitted False Flag Terror Incidents Come to Light. Mission Unstoppable: Why Is the CIA Running America’s Foreign Policy? Everyone Agrees that Ukraine Sniper Attacks Were a False Flag ... They Only Argue About WHO Is the Culprit Washington's Blog. The Destabilization of Ukraine: A Classic “False Flag” Operation | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization.

Evidence Conclusive: Ukraine Military Shot Down MH17 In False Flag Operation. False flag. The Israel-Gaza Twitter war. Psychological warfare. The Emergence of Psychological Warfare. Kissinger warns against "demonizing" Putin and Russia over Ukraine. Moscow bans movie for showing Russia as 'Mordor' - Apr. 16, 2015. The science behind psychological warfare. Psychological Warfare. Russia on the Silver Screen.