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Vanishing Head Illusion. Quirkology. Top 10 quirky science tricks for parties. Make a Color Smoke Bomb - Shooting Eggs. Smoke Bomb - How to Make a Smoke Bomb Video. Making a smoke bomb is fun, easy and safe with sugar and potassium nitrate. This video will teach you how to make and use a smoke bomb.See Transcript Today, I'm going to show you how make a homemade smoke bomb. Smoke Bomb Materials You will need: A large mixing bowlA skillet or sauté panSugarPotassium Nitrate also known as salt peter, which you can order onlineAn empty toilet paper roll.CardboardGlue or masking tapeScissorsFace Tissue Mix Smoke Bomb Ingredients Cut out a small piece of cardboard, and glue or tape it to the bottom of the empty toilet paper roll.

In the large mixing bowl, combine three parts potassium nitrate with two parts sugar and mix well. Create Smoke Bomb Fuse In order to make a fuse for the smoke bomb, cut a small rectangle of tissue. Heat Mixture and Finish Smoke Bomb Pour the mixture into the skillet or sauté pan, and apply low heat. Pour the mixture into the toilet paper roll, and insert the fuse. Lighting the Smoke Bomb. How To Build A Fireball You Can Hold Video. Learn how to throw lethal playing cards. If you watch the following video, you will be able to see one of the world’s leading card-throwing experts practicing his craft. With a business card and a flick of his wrist he can pop balloons, extinguish candles, hit targets, etc.: Around the 50-second point, you will also see him impale a tomato with a business card.

This is where the lethality comes in. The art of deadly card throwing was first popularized (as far as I know) by a performer named Gallagher, who could dismantle a watermelon with playing cards. Around 3:15, Rick Smith demonstrates his technique very quickly. How to throw cards fast and effectively !!!!! See also: If you need a source of cheap playing cards, check out the dollar store – two decks for a buck. One level up from card throwing is knife throwing: - the fastest knife thrower in the world - How to throw knives [[[Jump to previous How To - How to blow your money if you are super-wealthy]]] Koalas to the Max dot Com.