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A Modern, Concurrent Web Server for Ruby - Puma. GTmetrix | Website Speed and Performance Optimization. Websites Monitoring and Outage History | CurrentlyDown. Website speed test. Servicio de monitorización de sitios web de CA APM Cloud Monitor - Check host - IPv6 now supported, give it a shot! Heroku | Cloud Application Platform. OpenShift by Red Hat. Free Node.js Hosting Compared- PaaS to Deploy Node apps - RudraGeek. I recently began working with the Node.js framework, so far I’ve been enjoying it a lot! Its really fun working with nodejs.

Although coming from PHP, its kind of different working in with node. You no longer need Apache and it does not work with regular Shared hosting. So unless you are taking a big leap and are confident that your product will give you the return, you may be unwilling to spend big bucks on getting a platform just to host your on going development with node. So I looked for Free option to host and deploy my nodejs app for free, and came up with a few good options. So in this post I will be discussing those free Paas ( free Platform as a Service) or Free Node.js Hosting Services.

Although I am not going to list all available free node hosting platforms but only the ones i find the best and provide the best features. OpenShift according to me is the best free Platform hosting for node and maybe other Languages and Frameworks as Well! Heroku AppFog The Winner for me.