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Bending-(re)Active Plates. AG - Finite Elemente & CAD Software für den Ingenieurbau: Confirmation. SOFiSTiK. Rhinoceros Interface 2014: Basic Features. Created by Camtasia Studio 5. Rhinoceros Interface 2014: New Features. AG - Finite Elemente & CAD Software für den Ingenieurbau: Lightweight Structures. AG - Finite Elemente & CAD Software für den Ingenieurbau: Rhinoceros Interface. Rhinoceros (Rhino) by Robert McNeel & Associates is a 3D, NURBS-based geometric modeler especially designed for the creation of complex freeform shapes. It will be used in many application fields like architectural or industrial design for designing models with complex geometry. The increasing success of Rhino is, amongst others, based on its intuitive handling, its diversity, its ability to import and export over 30 file formats and its relatively low costs.

The SOFiSTiK Rhinoceros Interface extends the functionality of Rhino by the possibility to define and generate a finite element model for a structural analysis with SOFiSTiK. Geometric objects in Rhino like Points, Curves or Surfaces can be extended by structural information, like cross-section or material properties. The generation of the finite element mesh, consisting of beam and shell elements, can then be carried out from within the program. AG - Finite Elemente & CAD Software für den Ingenieurbau: FEA & CAD Software for Civil- and Structural Engineering.