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Reading suggestions Twitter ML. I thought for a bit and I've settled on exploring twitter and data mining/machine learning for my master's project. Once I started looking around I was surprised at the sheer volume of academic papers related to twitter. There are quite a few. Folks have written about all sorts of interesting bits of information that can be teased from twitter streams. I even saw a paper suggesting doing away with political polling and replacing that with twitter analysis. This week's reading list: After researching data mining algorithms for a bit it started to make more sense.


How I Reverse Engineered Klout Score to an ~ R2 = 0.94 (How to calculate Klout score) | Disclaimer: This my personal blog and the opinions presented here are my own. I founded, write for, and I am the president of Future Farm Inc. The opinions expressed here are not the opinions of the companies I currently represent. Summary: The formulas I present here showed an R^2 value of 0.94 with 99 data points. A perfectly fit curve would have an R^2 value of 1.0. Definition of R2: “R2 is a statistic that will give some information about the goodness of fit of a model. Social media metrics are a heavily debated and evolving topic. Arguments have been made against the use of IQ, for example, because IQ has no units. Now consider a Klout score. In 2008, I looked at ways to measure social media and I started looking at “ratios of things” we can measure on networks.

Recently, there has been an increased interest in Klout scores. Influence = k1*(followers/following) + K2(listed/followers) Eq. 1.1 Influence = 16.338 + 4.490*log(TwitterFollowers) (437) What is the difference between PeopleRank and the "reputation graph" (437) Quora PeopleRank: What are some existing "PeopleRank" algorithms. Traackr Relaunches Tool in Competitive Market to Reach Influencers. Mary Lisbeth D'Amico | March 5, 2013 | 1 Comment inShare16 Traackr launched a revamped version of its platform, a move to make its tools more user-friendly in the increasingly competitive market for helping brands identify key influencers. San-Francisco-based Traackr this week launched a revamped version of its platform, a move to make its tools more user-friendly in the increasingly competitive market for helping brands identify key influencers. The revamped Traackr lets users identify, research, and engage with influencers - those who have a reputation as thought leaders in a company's target markets - without leaving the Traackr website, the company said.

Features include a new interface that integrates more smoothly into a marketer's workflow, built-in social media integration - so users can interact with influencers directly via the platform on Twitter, for example - and instant search, which allows companies to quickly put together lists of influencers.