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100 Amazing Upcycling Ideas Anyone Can Do - Top Online Engineering Degree. One does not have to be an environmentalist to enjoy the benefits of upcycling projects.

100 Amazing Upcycling Ideas Anyone Can Do - Top Online Engineering Degree

Anyone who derives enjoyment from DIY projects and other creative endeavors will love looking at the following instructions for ideas and inspiration for undertakings of their very own. Or, of course, they can follow along at home as a means of learning new techniques and nurturing their innovation. 1. Bike Innertube Wallet : Learn how to transform the innertube of a bike tire into a durable, waterproof wallet that only requires a bit of simple cutting and sewing. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 5 Examples of Biodegradable Containers That Are Better For The Environment. Image by mackenzienicole There are so many containers we use on a day to day basis that simply aren’t good for the environment.

5 Examples of Biodegradable Containers That Are Better For The Environment

Just ask yourself, every time you get “take-out” food, what happens to the Styrofoam (or polystyrene) containers your food was packaged in? Items such as plastic bottles, cans, plastic bags, paper cups, Styrofoam, etc. can all end up in landfills when not properly recycled or re-used. Worse yet, they can end up out in the environment for hundreds or thousands of years, where they can be harmful to nature and wildlife.

Creating a new market; products of recycled "waste" By: Mirjam Visser, 2011-01-19 10:09:43 UTC Sustainability Aspects: Creating new markets and re-using waste.

Creating a new market; products of recycled "waste"

Cradle2Cradle The Story Flex/the Innovationlab helped We Beat the Mountain with their go-to-market strategy and product design. We Beat the Mountain: We Beat The Mountain is an organization, a symbol and a worldwide movement. “We Beat the Mountain aims to create, produce and sell functional products of 100% recycled and re-used materials in a global market. Organic Cotton. When I’m looking for ethical clothes online, I tend to find a lot of shops selling organic cotton.

Organic Cotton

But why is organic cotton more ethical? I found that non-organic cotton uses a quarter of the world’s pesticides while organic cotton only uses 16%. Pesticides contain toxins that contaminate air and water, putting the farmers who have to use them at high risk of falling ill or dying. That’s not all... • The largest producer of cotton is India, and according to the Environmental Justice Foundation in Andhra Pradesh, India, over 100,000 children have been documented working for 13 hours a day on cotton farms for not much more than peanuts. • 7 of the top 15 pesticides are more than likely to contain carcinogens, which are known to cause cancer. • Have you noticed that sometimes a non organic cotton wearer’s skin can get irritated and cause eczema?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - ReDuce turn off lights when not in use turn off and unplug electronics when not in use water lawn only when necessary shorten your showers and use low-flow showerheads limit amount of paper used, print only when needed stop junk mail to your home learn decomposition rates ReUse don't throw away something if you can give it away or even sell it; to someone who can use it and you can even make money buy used items and try to can reuse the items that you currently own save gift boxes, ribbon, tissue paper, bows, packing supplies (bubble wrap, peanuts, etc.) use cloth napkins, cloth diapers and dish cloths ReCycle.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle -

Conserve New Delhi. The Upcycled Wallet: Original. S History. Upcycled Products - housewares, furniture, office, garden. Google Image Result for. Green Thing Blog. 10 of the World’s Most Radical Recycling Projects. In our modern throwaway society, many perfectly good materials end up sitting in a landfill while new materials are constantly created and used in their place.

10 of the World’s Most Radical Recycling Projects

Some creative green builders, artists, scientists and other innovators are turning the tables on that trend, gathering up all the discarded odds and ends they can find to create stunning homes, temples, sculpture and even fuel. Here are 10 examples of incredibly creative recycling projects that convert ordinary objects into art and transform trash into something far more useful. Buddhist Temple Made of Beer Bottles (images via: Green Upgrader) The Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew temple in the Sisaket province of Thailand is made from over one million recycled green and brown glass beer bottles.

Bridge Made of Recycled Paper Tubes (images via: Shigeru Ban Architects) Japanese architect Shigeru Ban constructed a bridge over the Gardon River in southern France using primarily cardboard tubes. Rich Art’s Recycled Outdoor Gallery Jumbo Jet Hostel. Upcycling: Creating Useful Items From Recycled Materials. The term upcycling was coined by William McDonough and Michael Braungart, authors of Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things.

Upcycling: Creating Useful Items From Recycled Materials

It simply means taking something that seemed to be destined for the trash and turn it into something useful. This results in less waste and even can save money through reusing and not having to buy again. Many companies and individuals today are finding very creative ways to turn items destined for landfills into products that can be sold. A true green enterprise. About Us.