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Manu to Earth. I first arrived in Sardinia 5 years ago to study political science for a semester in University. It was my first trip abroad, on my own, going to a country where I barely knew the language. In February, I landed in Cagliari, the capital of the island after passing through Rome. For a few days I felt alien. I spent my first week walking around the student dorm I was living in, wandering on the narrow streets, among exotic plants and strange people. I had a collection of Fellini films from my friend to keep me company while all the other students were still on holiday.

Then the semester started – language courses, new teachers and subjects I could only dream of studying in Romania: contemporary African history, human rights in the Middle East and Chinese antiquity. A nice change after all the courses about Communism and post-Communism I had to take in Bucharest. When May came, I started a ritual of going to swim in the evening, after all the sunbathers were gone. This spring I went back. Cele patru legaminte « Lupul Alb. Există mii de compromisuri pe care le-am făcut cu noi înşine, cu ceilalţi oameni, cu visul nostru despre viaţă, cu Dumnezeu, cu societatea, cu părinţii, cu soţia, cu copiii.

Dar cele mai importante compromisuri sunt cele pe care le facem cu noi înşine. Aceste compromisuri ne spun cine suntem cu adevărat, ce trebuie să simţim, ce trebuie să credem şi cum trebuie să ne comportăm. Rezultatul este ceea ce noi numim personalitatea noastră. Un singur compromis nu ar fi o problemă, dar există multe asemenea compromisuri care ne fac să suferim, să cădem, să greşim în viaţă. Dacă dorim să trăim o viaţă plină de bucurie şi împlinire, trebuie să avem curajul să rupem aceste compromisuri care sunt bazate pe frica si sa ne proclamam propria putere personala. Compromisurile născute din frică incumbă o mare pierdere de energie din partea noastră, dar legămintele care se nasc din dragoste ne ajută să ne conservăm energia şi chiar să câştigăm mai multă energie.


Me and myself « Anca Onuta's Blog. Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in it. | The Hart Technique. Is Serendipity Real? What is serendipity? According to Wikipedia, it is one of the hardest words in the English language to accurately define, though it is commonly used and present in many cultures’ languages. Have you ever gotten into a new idea, project or interest and suddenly, you find that you seem to bump into seemingly random conversations that have to do with your interest? I find serendipity in my life all the time. When I am mentally focused on a new interest, book titles in bookstores, having to do with my interest, seem to jump off of the shelf at me. I will randomly glance at a newspaper and the print in the middle of an article in the middle of the page will jump out and it will have to do with my interest. Here is the thing about serendipity…our interests are around us all of the time. Christ said, “Seek and ye shall find”.

Achieving our goals in life, our desires, our passions, is indeed possible. In order to seek, it helps to have an idea of what to look for. Sound crazy? Girl Meets NYC. When did we grow up? By definition, we are adults. But when did it happen? How did it happen? Do you really feel like a grown-up? By the way, what kind of feeling that is!? Do we grow up when our identity changes? Or, do we grow up when we keep adding those abbreviations at the end of our names. I still break rules like a child. You grow up when you learn from your mistakes. You grow you when you realize that there is a child still inside you hidden beneath layers of adulthood and remember to let it out! Pictures taken : Backyard, Cousin's place, Vancouver, BC.