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Bibliotequices: Manifesto bibliotecário 2.0. The Future of Social Networks. The future of social networks Lots of changes going on in social networks — the Facebook IPO on Friday (and subsequent 11% drop in share price on Monday), Lawsuits filed against Google (Antitrust) and Facebook (Privacy), new social platforms, including Pinterest further fragment the social landscape, and advertisers grow increasingly skittish about paying for online ads without more tangible support for their effectiveness.

The Future of Social Networks

This begs the question of whether these social networks will remain viable. Nearly half of Americans don’t believe Facebook will be here in the long-run. What’s in the future of social networks? My best guess is the social networks will continue long into the future. Much of this certainty comes from a book written by Robert Putnam called “Bowling Alone”. I also don’t see the current leaders — Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ surviving forever. How does the future of social networks impact your business? I would also increase my sensing efforts. Closing thoughts. Decadencia y muerte del imperio bibliotecario. Yo hubiera preferido titular el post "los distintos roles que la biblioteca debe jugar", pero no se puede negar que el título que le ha dado es de lo más sugestivo.

Decadencia y muerte del imperio bibliotecario

El artículo en resumen viene a decir que los bibliotecarios nos hemos pasado los últimos 30 años soñando con tener un papel central en la revolución digital que está transformando todo lo que nos rodea, y que algunos de esos sueños no llegaron ni a despegar. Entre los proyectos a los que les hemos dedicado ganas y horas, pero que no hemos logrado, Coffman enumera los siguientes: Los directorios web. Hubo un tiempo no muy lejano en el que teníamos planes de catalogar toda la web, incluso existía un proyecto colaborativo de catalogación de recursos online llamado CORC, mediante el cual bibliotecarios distribuidos por todo el mundo, certificarían la bondad de los recursos web y se les asignarían los números de la clasificación de Dewey. La Biblioteca 2.0. Referencia virtual. La intermediación en las búsquedas. User Activity on Social Networks [Infographic] Digitization 101: Is now the time for librarians? New librarians are entering the job market fresh from receiving their master's degree (MLIS).

Digitization 101: Is now the time for librarians?

The months and years spent in the classroom are behind them and they are anxious for the next chapter of their lives to begin. Some have already found job opportunities. Others are still in the job hunt and wondering when a job offer will appear. For them, this is a time of doubt. Was getting an MLIS the right thing to do? Because of the committees that I serve on, the people I meet with, and the consulting work that I do, I see the profession from a different point of view than most. The Graying of the Profession - We have been talking for years about the number of librarians that would be retiring. In addition, when people did retire, they were often not replaced. Need for New Ideas - Every information organization (and not just libraries) need new ideas to move them forward.

Publishing industry - This is an industry that is going through massive changes. What about traditional jobs? Dokumentalistas, recursos de informacion y documentacion. Luli Radfahrer. EL PAÍS: el periódico global en español. UOL - O melhor conteúdo.