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Six Keys to Changing Almost Anything. Change is hard.

Six Keys to Changing Almost Anything

New Year's resolutions almost always fail. But at The Energy Project, we have developed a way of making changes that has proved remarkably powerful and enduring, both in my own life and for the corporate clients to whom we teach it. In 1911, the mathematician Alfred North Whitehead intuited what researchers would confirm nearly a century later. "It is a profoundly erroneous truism," he wrote, "that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. Brain Trust: 100 Ivy League Business & Entrepreneurship Courses You Can Take for Free.

Just because you don’t have the deep pockets or stellar grades it takes to get into top tier schools doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some of the same resources these establishments offer.

Brain Trust: 100 Ivy League Business & Entrepreneurship Courses You Can Take for Free

Through open course ware programs, you can access course materials from a wide range of top universities. Whether you decide to take these courses on your own time or just skim through the information, we’ve compiled a list of 100 places to start looking for great business and entrepreneurship information. Accounting and Finance. iKnow! - Learn faster and remember longer - iKnow!