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Just a f**king infogram. Transparent Church, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, Limburg Belgium, 2011. Gijs Van Vaerenbergh's recent construction in the rural landscape of Borgloon (Limburg, Belgium) is based on the design of the local church, but reimagines it as something like a line drawing.

Transparent Church, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, Limburg Belgium, 2011

By using horizontal plates for construction, the familiar shape of a traditional church becomes a wraith-like object that appears nearly solid or nearly transparent depending on where you're standing. And I think it feels quite sacred. How to dress the part. The style of clothes! or is it?... Truth and Lies. Just some useful stuff. Read More! Lamps are too mainstream. Just an Island...wait what? Just a customizable fridge that's powered by light... Shut up! And take my money!! When you see it... Rotating bedroom. Isso sim é um manual! Guess who. Just a School In Sweden. Buy ALL the stuff!