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How to Create a Driving Question. A project without a Driving Question is like an essay without a thesis.

How to Create a Driving Question

Without one, a reader might be able to pick out the main point a writer is trying to make, but with a thesis the main point of the essay is unmistakable. Without a Driving Question (DQ), students may not understand why they are doing the project. 10 Ways Teacher Planning Should Adjust To The Google Generation. 10 Ways Teacher Planning Should Adjust To The Google Generation by Terry Heick For the Google Generation, information isn’t scarce, and knowing has the illusion of only being a search away.

10 Ways Teacher Planning Should Adjust To The Google Generation

Growth vs Fixed Mindset. Ontario Teachers' Federation. OTF Connects… small, frequent doses of valuable PD designed to fit your needs and your schedule Registration for Winter/Spring 2014 sessions is now open.

Ontario Teachers' Federation

Check out the calendar! The Ontario Teachers’ Federation cares about supporting your learning and is pleased to continue to offer OTF Connects. The OTF Connects program is online, ongoing support developed by teachers for teachers. A wide variety of session topics are available in the 2013-2014 calendar, including 21st Century Learning, Critical Thinking, Environmental Education, Financial Literacy and Violence Prevention. The Canadian Teacher Marketplace. Helping Educators Get Started With Twitter. 9 Places To Find High-Quality Online Professional Development. The beginning of the school year for many teachers includes something that many are grumbling about.

9 Places To Find High-Quality Online Professional Development

Do you hear those low-pitched rumbles? That’s right, I’m talking about your school’s required professional development. While nearly all teachers are required to complete continuing education credits in order to keep a current certification (and by extension, a job!) , the school-mandated and offered ‘training’ days are often broad in scope, and many report that they’re not that helpful. Other schools don’t have the funding or time to support teacher training, leaving those teachers to manage their own professional development.

Online Professional Development For Teachers. 9 Places To Find High-Quality Online Professional Development. The beginning of the school year for many teachers includes something that many are grumbling about. Do you hear those low-pitched rumbles? That’s right, I’m talking about your school’s required professional development. While nearly all teachers are required to complete continuing education credits in order to keep a current certification (and by extension, a job!) , the school-mandated and offered ‘training’ days are often broad in scope, and many report that they’re not that helpful. Other schools don’t have the funding or time to support teacher training, leaving those teachers to manage their own professional development.

Online Professional Development For Teachers. Successful District Leadership Interview With Michael Fullan. The magic touch for impromptu speaking. Imagine you’re on the street, in a park or in a bar, and you see someone you would like to meet.

The magic touch for impromptu speaking

Negative thoughts will probably pop into your mind, discouraging you from trying to make an introduction – the other person is too attractive, or likely to consider you brash, or is otherwise occupied. But if you act within three seconds, just going up and saying hello, Andrii Sedniev says you will forestall those doubts and increase your chance of being successful. Videos from ECOO Conference 2012. Council on 21st Century Learning. 10 talks from inspiring teachers. Professor John Keating of “The Dead Poets Society.”

10 talks from inspiring teachers

Calculus teacher Jaime Escalante of “Stand and Deliver.” Marine-turned-teacher Louanne Johnson of “Dangerous Minds.” Flow – A Measure of Student Engagement. Education Quotes. These quotes are ideal for motivating teachers to keep offering students their best day after day.

Education Quotes

Henry Brooks Adams: A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. A. Bartlett Giamatti A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society, and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching. Edsurge. iLearn Technology. - explore. share. contribute. The Educator's PLN - The personal learning network for educators. An ASCD Study Guide for How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students.

By Susan M.

An ASCD Study Guide for How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students

Brookhart This ASCD Study Guide is designed to enhance your understanding and application of the information contained in How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students, an ASCD book written by Susan M. Brookhart and published in September 2008. You can use the study guide before or after you have read the book, or as you finish each chapter. The study questions provided are not meant to cover all aspects of the book, but, rather, to address specific ideas that might warrant further reflection.

30 ways to use Twitter to accelerate learning. How can Twitter be used to accelerate learning?

30 ways to use Twitter to accelerate learning

Here are 30! 1. Provide tips daily. Virtually Learning - Building the Network - Leadership & Social Media. Jing, screenshot and screencast software from TechSmith. Voices. Keeping the Curriculum Context in Connected Classrooms Primary teacher Kathy Cassidy shares a year’s worth of ideas from her connected classroom about how to keep global learning activities in sync with curriculum goals and objectives.


Cybraryman Catalogue of Educational WebSites - Educational Web sites for Teachers, Educators, Parents, Students. 7 Must-Read Books on Education. Education is something we’re deeply passionate about, but the fact remains that today’s dominant formal education model is a broken system based on antiquated paradigms. While much has been said and written about education reform over the past couple of years, the issue and the public discourse around it are hardly new phenomena.

Today, we round up the most compelling and visionary reading on reinventing education from the past century. Earlier this year, we featured a fantastic Bill Moyers archival interview with Isaac Asimov, in which the iconic author and futurist echoes some of own beliefs in the power of curiosity-driven, self-directed learning and the need to implement creativity in education from the onset.