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Kaleidoscope Factory, Pomeroy, Iowa » Iowa's Simple Pleasures with Dan Kaercher. The Kaleidoscope Factory Pomeroy Iowa - Handmade Kaleidoscopes, woooden puzzles and other fun items. The kaleidoscope - David Brewster (sir.) Be Dazzled: Kaleidoscope. Paper towel tube cut eight inches (20 centimeters) long Clear plastic report cover Ruler Pen or marker Paring knife or art utility knife Four-inch (ten-centimeter) squares (one each) of black construction paper, plastic wrap, and waxed paper Scissors Rubber band Clear tape Colored transparent beads, small sequins, and shiny confetti Stickers and wrapping paper HERE’S HOW Draw an 8-by-4-inch (20-by-10-centimeter) rectangle on the report cover.

Be Dazzled: Kaleidoscope

Cut it out. Draw three lines across the rectangle as shown.