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Toggle Buttons Without Javascript - Jeremy Worboys. The idea of having a set of buttons that are mutually exclusive (when you select one, all others deselect) or "toggle buttons" is not by any means new. This idea has nearly always been accomplished in the past with JavaScript and its libraries/plugins. What about people who run without JavaScript? Why not do it with just CSS? The first step is to think about what we are trying to do on the most basic level - from a list of buttons, allow the user to select only one. Therefore, it makes sense to use the HTML element designed to do exactly this, the radio input. You can checkout the live fiddle for a demo.

The HTML The HTML is fairly straight forward, we create a form and a set of inputs. We also need to make sure you have a label for each input (which I'm sure you're doing anyway) with a for attribute that corresponds to its input's id attribute. Lastly, the label and the input need to sit inside their own container, I have used a div in this example. The CSS Conclusion. Using Checkboxes to Toggle CSS and Create Click Events. More and more lately I’ve seen developers utilizing tricks to create toggle states using pure CSS. This allows you to skip the JavaScript without sacrificing the interaction.

How does this work? Is it an acceptable practice? Today we’re going to examine two distinct methods for utilizing a checkbox to create a click event that swaps between two images using good old HTML and CSS. Like Skinning a Cat “You essentially create a checkbox in HTML only to hide it and steal its functionality.” With any CSS trick, there are always a handful of different ways to accomplish the task you’re aiming to achieve. Both methods involve some questionable CSS trickery. The second method makes use of the interesting functionality of labels associated with a checkbox. Let’s dive in and take a closer look at each of these methods. Method 1 The first way that we’re going to attack this experiment is through making our checkbox eat up the full size of our object and then hiding it.

Try It Out Method 2. Responsive Navigation Patterns. Update: I’ve also written about complex navigation patterns for responsive design. Top and left navigations are typical on large screens, but lack of screen real estate on small screens makes for an interesting challenge. As responsive design becomes more popular, it’s worth looking at the various ways of handling navigation for small screen sizes. Mobile web navigation must strike a balance between quick access to a site’s information and unobtrusiveness. Here’s some of the more popular techniques for handling navigation in responsive designs: There are of course advantages and disadvantages of each method and definitely some things to look out for when choosing what method’s right for your project. Top Nav or “Do Nothing” Approach One of the easiest-to-implement solutions for navigation is to simply keep it at the top.

Pros Cons Height issues- Height matters in mobile. Responsive navigation breaking to multiple lines on small screens In the Wild Resources The Select Menu The Toggle In The Wild. Performance & RWD — Implementing Off-Canvas Navigation For A Responsive Website. Php - output html tags. Php - How to display HTML tags as plain text.