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Portfolios examples, Resumes, ...

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Conseils et inspirations pour votre portfolio. Créer son portfolio : une mission pleine d’interrogations, surtout lorsqu’on débute dans les métiers créatifs. Pour vous aider, je vous propose un petit dossier avec quelques conseils fondamentaux et essentiels. Le but de cet article n’est pas d’écrire le guide ultime du portfolio, mais tout simplement de vous donner des pistes et des liens sur ce monde particulier des sites personnels. En effet, des articles traitant du sujet en long, en large et en travers paraissent à toutes les saisons sur les blogs de design… En parcourant régulièrement les galeries design depuis quelques mois, j’ai repéré quelques portfolios inspirants qui peuvent vous donner des idées pour réaliser le votre. Si vous suivez le blog, vous vous souviendrez sûrement des dernières sélections de portfolio de créatifs et de webdesigners (si non, cliquez sur les liens pardi !) Un monde vaste et concurrentiel Les clés essentielles pour se démarquer 1. 2. Avec les années, votre site va se remplir. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Made By Joyce. 12 Erreurs à éviter dans votre portfolio. Le portfolio, votre site personnel, outil indispensable de tout créatif, véritable vitrine numérique, est votre meilleure chance de trouver vos prochains clients ou emplois. Son importance est capitale car il reflète qui vous êtes, ce que vous savez faire et ce que vous avez déjà fait. Autant dire qu’il vaut mieux soigner son portfolio. Voici donc 12 erreurs à éviter dans votre portfolio, un article qui j’espère vous aidera. 1. Votre portfolio doit ressembler à un portfolio. Vous pouvez même écrire clairement dès la première page ou dans votre header « Portfolio du webdesigner/illustrateur/etc Rachid Boulaouane.

Sur les deux exemples ci-dessous, dès l’arrivée sur le site, le créatif se présente : 2. Je suis pour l’originalité. Mais il y a un mais : soyez assuré de mettre en place une navigation efficace, même si elle est originale. On ne doit pas chercher l’information, elle doit venir à nous. 3. Ci-dessous un exemple de classement de contenu par catégories simple et efficace : 4. 5. 6. Choosing Vanilla JavaScript. A lot of JavaScript developers out there, myself included, love jQuery. And rightly so! Like any great tool, it makes our lives easier.

When building something with a large amount of front-end code, like a robust site or application, jQuery is a powerful ally. However, if you’re building a small- to medium-sized library, you should seriously consider using vanilla JavaScript. Sometimes it makes sense to put down the power screwdriver and use some good old-fashioned elbow grease. You Might Not Need jQuery is a fantastic resource that is sure to come in handy in these situations. Seeing the code side by side is useful for both ends of this conversation (notice it’s called You Might Not Need jQuery, not You Don’t Need jQuery). Historically, jQuery has been a great tool because it handles all cross-browser issues itself. If you don’t use jQuery, you have a choice to make: either write the code to solve browser compatibility issues yourself, or build a progressively enhanced experience. Adam Rudzki - Graphic Designer & Art Director. Abby Putinski | Illustration & Graphic Design.

ALEE FOROUGHI - SWAN DESIGN STUDIO CEO/DESIGNER. Robby Leonardi | hey. Sam Markiewicz | Web and graphic design - Front-end development. Charles RICHARD - My résumé. 7 ways to make your portfolio sing | Portfolios. 7 ways to make your portfolio sing | Portfolios. 16 portfolios créatifs pour votre inspiration. Présenter ses créations en ligne n’est pas toujours une mince affaire… Dois-je utiliser une plate-forme ou créer ma propre vitrine ?

Nous allons parler ici des designers qui ont choisi la seconde option avec 16 portfolios créatifs pour votre inspiration. « Un designer est souvent son pire client » : Cette phrase résonne souvent sur les réseaux sociaux ou dans les conversations de webdesigners telle une vielle rengaine. Réaliser son portfolio demande du temps, de la réflexion et de l’énergie. Réfléchissez bien à l’objectif principal de votre portfolio. Ce sont des particularités que j’ai trouvées sur les sites présentés ci-dessous.

Thirty Dirty Fingers Fitz Fitzpatrick Rich Brown Jan Mense Nick Jones Lisher Denis Chandler Black Negative Vaclavkrbusek Kyle Steed Sick Designer Ryan Scherf Beta Takaki Casey Britt Vito Salvatore Harry Ford Au final, que pensez-vous de cette sélection ? 50+ Fresh and Unique Personal Portfolio Websites. 10 Portfolio Websites that Will Make You Say Wow. Why is it necessary to have a portfolio website? Is it a requisite for all designers? Here are 10 portfolio websites that can lead you to the answers. “Why haven’t I thought of that?” Well, those were the first words I uttered when I saw this collection of websites that will make you say wow.

I thought it would be great if I will be able to share these to you. The answers to the questions above are very simple. So, why don’t we begin looking at these and in the end, just be awed and say Wow! The Toke Viewing the projects in this one is as simple as viewing them in a photo browser. Alex Abramov The designer used the big background photo to serve as map-like design where points in the city were made to represent the page you will be viewing. Zuppaduppa This doodle-looking portfolio looks both cute and magnificent. Insidepiet Talk about being creative and interactive! M-1 Design Mouse-responsive motion, this website eats it like a piece of cake. IE Studio Harlo Vitor Guided Creative R Leonardi WOW! Interactive Portfolio and Resume Websites to Inspire You. Inspiration While creating a website, tons of aspects should be taken into account, especially when it comes to resume and portfolio sites. A portfolio helps all creatives to showcase their work, get new clients, and share information.

It’s extremely important to make your visitors feel that they control the website and are completely involved. Interactivity is one of the tools to achieve that. Interactivity is the best way to keep your old clients and to get new ones. Interactivity means the degree of interaction between objects. In web design these objects are a client and a website. Today I have put together 40 interactive impressive online portfolio and resume websites from all over the internet for your inspiration.

Inspirational Interactive Portfolio and Resume Websites 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Conclusion. 4 Proven Resume Tips: Infographics + Other Unexpected Formats to Wow Creative Directors. You’re a natural at designing things that capture people’s attention. But when it comes to job hunting, you probably leave much of the head turning to those carefully chosen pieces inside your portfolio.

Why not apply a little more creative mojo to your resume? It’s true that everyone needs a traditional resume formatted as a PDF or Word document. But creating a second, somewhat unexpected version just might be your job-hunting secret weapon. Here are four less-conventional resume formats to help you stand out from the creative crowd. 1. Infographics are all the rage, and they’re catching on with creative directors as a way to gauge a prospective employee’s design chops. What’s behind the trend? Quick tip: Hold your infographic resume to the same design standards as the rest of your portfolio. 2. LinkedIn is a no-brainer for job hunters, but, increasingly, your total social media presence makes up a resume all its own. Quick tip: Know your target audience. 3. 4. 10 Best Websites of Portfolio Design To Bump Up Your Creativity. Designing of portfolio is possible in all shapes & sizes, whether you are a web designer, graphic designer, illustrator or web savvy developer.

Through this blog, we are going to represent 10 best examples of portfolio design that will surely inspire you to bump up your creativity. The internet is a store that contains thousands upon thousands awe-inspiring portfolio designs. To survive in the hard-hitting marketplace, it is important to make your online portfolio as much impressive as you can. It is not only the way to showcase your valuable work that blows away your potential clients, but also the way, which represents you. Even you don’t have the superstar web designers, yet a touch of innovative thinking and creativity provides many opportunities to catch the attention of visitors. Plethora of free online portfolio design tools that can help you build an attractive portfolio for your site without any coding knowledge. CSSChopper Robby Leonardi No-refresh Wow! Rosie Lee Julien Renvoye.