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Responsive Image Gallery with Thumbnail Carousel. A tutorial on how to create a responsive image gallery with a thumbnail carousel using Elastislide.

Responsive Image Gallery with Thumbnail Carousel

Inspired by Twitter's "user gallery" and upon a request to show an integration of Elastislide, we want to implement a responsive gallery that adapts to the view-port width. The gallery will have a view switch that allows to view it with the thumbnail carousel or without. We'll also add the possibility to navigate with the keyboard. Responsive Image Gallery with Thumbnail Carousel. Tiny Circleslider: A lightweight cross browser circular carousel. What is it?

Tiny Circleslider: A lightweight cross browser circular carousel.

Tinycircleslider is a circular slider / carousel. That was built to provide webdevelopers with a cool but subtle alternative to all those standard carousels. Tiny Circleslider can blend in on any wepage.