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Self Improvement / Empowerment

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Energy Empowerment Practices. Lujan Matus: Embracing the Moon. Dance. Seeing with eyes closed ? Does anyone know what is behind seeing with eyes closed ? I've seen with my eyes closed when i lay down to sleep, perhaps two or three times. It's like if my eyes were open, even a better vision, more defined i would say. One thing that happens to me a lot when i lay down, is seeing scenes or events pretty clearly. Like watching a movie screen. When starting to enter into the sleep state, i know that there are the hypnogogic (right word?) I start seeing a piece of the whole picture, a detail, the nerves of a leaf for example, and if i concentrate in that detail the whole picture expands, like turning the light on, and from there i can start moving my 'eyes' through all the 'paint', and stay in this state as long as im not interrupted, even if it is by my own thoughts.

If i want to see something specific, i concentrate on a detail of some place, were i've been, when i start seeing that detail clearly it is like a lock-on feeling and i can see the whole picture, scene, event. Why I Quit Stevia. Parallel Perception. MANTAK CHAI - THE MULTI ORGASMIC MAN. Innerstanding. Are you interested in the most advanced spiritual knowledge available? Enroll in the Innerversity today and expand! Download this amazing Frequency Guide and learn the effects of thousands of frequencies. Its free! Looking for real Elements that have been proven to promote activation? Visit Secret Energy and join a community of thousands of Seekers worldwide connecting and expanding. Looking for Karma free wealth and a new stream of income? Current and Currency 101Reverse monetary Karma while discovering the connection between current and currency. Internal Cleansing and Purification 101Techniques on cleansing and flushing the body of toxins while clearing your “organic” filters.

Celestial MechanicsDetermine the astronomic correspondences of the body and how they function together. Deprogramming 101Recognize and disarm MKULTRA "mind control" programming in your consciousness and others. 环球华网 · 武当道长露出真功夫. Jain meditation. Jain meditation has been the central practice of spirituality in Jainism along with the Three Jewels.[1] Meditation in Jainism aims at realizing the self, attain salvation, take the soul to complete freedom.[2] It aims to reach and to remain in the pure state of soul which is believed to be pure conscious, beyond any attachment or aversion. The practitioner strives to be just a knower-seer (Gyata-Drashta). Jain meditation can be broadly categorized to the auspicious Dharmya Dhyana and Shukla Dhyana and inauspicious Artta and Raudra Dhyana. The 24 Jain Tirthankaras are always seen in meditative posture and have practiced it deeply and attained enlightenment. History[edit] Bahubali practicing meditation in standing Kayotsarga posture.

Statue is carved from a single stone fifty-seven feet high in 981 A.D., is located in Karnataka, India Jains believe all twenty-four Tirthankaras practiced deep meditation, some for years, some for months and attained enlightenment. Samayika[edit] Familiefar og selvstændig: Sådan hacker jeg min søvn | Nyheder. Mads Phikamphon står op midt om natten og arbejder i tre timer for at nå alt det, han vil.

Klokken 22 lægger 38-årige Mads Phikamphon sig til at sove med sin kæreste. Men det varer kun to en halv time. For klokken halv et om natten står han op for at arbejde, mens kæresten og deres to børn sover videre. Klokken tre går han i seng igen - og vågner så klokken seks sammen med resten af familien til en ny dag. Læs også Læger advarer mod søvneksperimenter Det er søvnhacking, såkaldt polyfasisk søvn, og noget som søvneksperter advarer imod.

Fænomenet har vundet genklang hos flere danskere, der på nettet skriver om deres eksperimenter i jagten på at effektivisere deres tid. Men for Mads Phikamphon, der også skriver om fænomenet på sin blog, er det uundværligt. . - Jeg synes det er rart at have tid til alle de ting, jeg gerne vil og ikke hænge i en klokkestreng, som så mange andre familier gør. Første to uger var rædselsfulde De første to uger var rædselsfulde. Ekspert: Hammeren falder.


Organizing, Workplan, To do list. Change your perceptions Home. is a shift, a shift of conciousness. Most likely you are not here by chance, if we were successful you were oddly drawn to this site, hopefully to change your perceptions about a thing or about many things. The entire site is built on the concept that we create our own personal reality based on how we think about it. Change your perceptions and you will literally change your world. Try to keep an open mind, anything is possible. But, do not believe me for the sake of believing me, find out your truth. I will not try to sell you any product here, I offer only perceptions, and they are free. We are still new, so please excuse the lack of perceptions at the moment.

If We Could All Tap Into This Quality (Which We Can), The World Would Be A Better Place. In the so-called age of narcissism, it's been said that empathy is declining -- and some research has shown that social media is causing us to become more self-obsessed than ever before. But whether or not selfishness is actually on the rise, it's safe to say that we need compassion more than ever. Eastern spiritual practices have long touted the importance of compassion as a necessary ingredient for building happy lives and peaceful nations ("Without [compassion], humanity cannot survive," the Dalai Lama wrote in The Art of Happiness).

Now, Western science is catching up to this ancient wisdom. New research from the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research (CCARE) at Stanford University (some funding for which has been provided by the Dalai Lama) is shedding light on the human capacity for goodness. "We're really seeing a sea change in how people perceive their place in the world," Doty recently told New Scientist. We're wired for compassion. Compassion is good for business. The Oldest Soul Trapping Game -Tobias Lars. Conspiracy Land & Turbo 'Fear Porn' - Tobias Lars. How to Discover What You Want - (Ask Teal Episode about Desire and What You Really Want) The Secret to Why You Can't Overcome Your Problems. What are The Akashic Records? Amazing New Information Part 1 About Akashic Records. Message To The Black Sheep.

Attain your goals

Increase Your Willpower: 9 Mind Hacks for Better Self-Control. Have you already abandoned your New Year's resolutions? Maybe you need a refresher on how to stick to your goals and avoid succumbing to your worst temptations and unproductive habits. No matter where you are in life right now, all of us can benefit from increasing our sense of willpower. Willpower is like a muscle that needs to be worked out. Not push it hard enough and it will never improve. On the other hand, overwork it too much and you will burn out quickly. Make your environment conducive to exercising willpower. Your sense of willpower tends to decrease when you're in a bad mood, sleep-deprived, unhealthy, and working in a disorganized, dimly lit environment.

You can also incorporate several mental hacks to increase your will power and decrease your likelihood of yielding to your unproductive habits. Click on image to enlarge. Vækstcenteret - Vækstcenteret. Sandeltræ røgelse. Nicholas James Vujicic _No arms.._ No legs.._ No worries!.wmv. 100 Tips About Life, People, and Happiness - StumbleUpon.

The Body

Donna Eden - 8 - Your Aura.avi. Body Drought: Why You Need to Drink More Water. Health. Food. Hunger - Not Always What it Seems. Waterian, Breatharian, Pranarian. Supplements. FROM DRUGS TO FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Life Regenerators Story! Sleep. Skin & Hair care. Teeth & Gums.