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Psychedelics & Shamanism

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Spiritual Drug Use... What is your opinion? Psychedelica and Shamanism. The Psychedelic Experience. "If you started in the wrong way," I said in answer to the investigator's questions, "everything that happened would be a proof of the conspiracy against you. It would all be self-validating. You couldn't draw a breath without knowing it was part of the plot. " "So you think you know where madness lies? " My answer was a convinced and heartfelt, "Yes. " I. "Liberation in this context does not necessarily imply (especially in the case of the average person) the Liberation of Nirvana, but chiefly a liberation of the 'life-flux' from the ego, in such a manner as will afford the greatest possible consciousness and consequent happy rebirth. This manual is divided into four parts. "Dr. W. Thus far the Bardo Thodol is, as Dr. Nor is the psychological use we make of it (the Tibetan Book) anything but a secondary intention, though one that is possibly sanctioned by lamaist custom. . . .

HPSILO. Plants Vaults : Images : psilocybe semilanceata. Index Sten.