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Welcome to Great Source iwrite! State-of-the-Art Science Program Grades K–8 Science Program Combining interactive write-in texts, hands-on activities, and a full digital curriculum, ScienceFusion provides multimodal learning options to build inquiry and STEM skills, preparing students for success in future science courses and careers. Women's History Month (Library of Congress) An urban tale | close up. … or the glass elevator This has been one of my favourite story-writing activities for a long, long time. My dad first introduced me to it – or the underlying technique – when I was running a creative writing option on a full-time language course in the UK. He led creative writing workshops for adults writing in their L1. I’d phone him up and ask to “borrow” ideas.

This particular technique basically brings together a disparate group of people and somehow traps them and forces them to interact. The story grows out of the tension between the characters. The device that my dad used with his writers based in rural Wales (and writing in Welsh) was to trap the characters in a snowbound country pub overnight. This is fairly complex as a task. Image by Wonderlane Here’s the basic lesson plan. 1 setting the scene Ask students to think of a large city that’s familiar to them. 2 visualisation Ask your students to place themselves in the picture you’ve described and take them through this short story:

Digital Story Telling

280daily - Sum up your day in 280 characters.