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Herramientas administrativas para el profesor

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Calendarios del mundo. Calendar. Calendario. Google Forms. That Quiz. Wufoo Education. Learn how to save time Teachers, students, administration, IT staff... everybody knows there aren't enough hours in the day to get all the things done you would like to. Wufoo can help you get some of those hours back by staying organized and making building forms and reports easy! Free Up the IT Staff You count on your IT staff to keep your computers up and running and help other staff and students do what they need to do on computers. These valuable people are also often leaned upon to create and maintain the software systems used by the school. Building forms can be extremely difficult and time consuming work for even the most experienced of IT staff.

Building Multi-page forms Incorporating Logic and Branching into forms Accessing data through a RESTful API 508 Accessibility Compliant forms that look and work great in all browsers Required fields, data validation, and limiting entries by IP Powerful Reporting Learn More about Wufoo Reports No Hassle Secure Hosting See it in Action. Skype. Google Talk.