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Diez consejos para emprendedores. Social Media Will Play a Crucial Role in the Reinvention of Business - John Seely Brown. By John Seely Brown | 9:05 AM November 20, 2012 Corporations, for the most part, aren’t going to reinvent themselves by improving on the core competencies they’ve been honing for years. Instead, if they’re going to change, they’re going to do so from the outside in, allowing ideas from the edge of the company to penetrate to the core. Social media will be a part of that transformation. If all this sounds too abstract, consider Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center in the 1970s. Because it was on the company’s fringe, PARC had the freedom to be radical, and it came up with a lot of radical ideas, many of which have become organic to the way we all work, such as graphical user interfaces, Ethernet, WYSIWYG, SmallTalk, and laser printing.

The challenge at PARC was that the company’s core could be resistant to ideas from the edge, so some of those beautiful concepts went nowhere at Xerox. As a result, some corporations are seeing a lot of exciting things happening on the edge. More >> ::: COMUNICACION 360° ::: - Gestión de Cambio - Consultoría en comunicación organizacional - Cultura y Clima organizacional - Formación - E-Comunicación. Para muchas compañías incluir una estrategia de E-mail marketing, como parte de su plan de medios electrónicos, es una buena alternativa ya que representa un medio de comunicación directo, a un bajo costo y bastante efectivo, ya que posibilita la personalización del mensaje y es medible.

La estrategia puede soportarse en una base de datos propia o partir de la base de un tercero; sin embargo, para obtener mayores resultados y optimizar su inversión, es necesario tener en cuenta las siguientes recomendaciones: Establecer un objetivo. Identifique que quiere generar a través de la estrategia, por ejemplo: comunicar sus servicios, impulsar la compra de un producto, dar a conocer una promoción, capturar un nuevo nicho de mercado, generar cercanía con sus clientes actuales, etc.

Cuantifique los resultados esperados. Donald Trump - PENSAR EN GRANDE (video original) THINK BIG. The 9 Most Common Start-up Mistakes. Making mistakes is a great way to learn. Making mistakes is also not particularly fun. It's a lot more fun to avoid them entirely. Here are some of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs—and businesspeople in general—tend to make: 1. Think of a plan as an end result. Say you’re agonizing over a business plan; somewhere along the way you've forgotten your goal is to actually start the business.

Most successful people are solid planners and excellent adapters. 2. Just be you. 3. Great, but execution is everything. Check out everything on the business menu, but only select a few items at a time. 4. An estimate is theoretical. 5. 6. Apply sensitivities and create plans in case your estimates are wrong. 7. Sometimes it's not the business or the market. 8. Business is serious enough. 9. What matters most is what matters most to you. 7 Signs You Won't Be a Successful Entrepreneur. You've always dreamed about starting your own business. So you've read the books, listened to the cautionary tales, and worked through some checklists. You've done your homework. You feel sure that owning your own business is right for you. Not so fast. If any of the following applies, think twice before taking the entrepreneurial plunge: Your workday must include a chunk of "me" time.

The last thing you'll have time for is managing your fantasy team when revenues and profits are a distant dream. You can forget "me" time in a startup, because you'll never have enough time to do the critical stuff. So start now. If that's too big of a sacrifice, stay where you are. You spend time personalizing your office. I know: You dreamed of a bigger office.

Now say you plan to open a restaurant; since customers will never see your office, the only thing it should reflect is "cheap. " Besides, you'll be too busy chasing customers to worry about whether your office aligns with your personal brand. Entrepreneurship Is A Compulsion, Not A Choice. This entry originally appeared at Live Your Legend. “It is difficult to see the picture when you are inside the frame.”Eugene Kleiner, Co-founder Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers A small percentage of people in each free-market society generate the jobs for everyone else.

These entrepreneurs do not risk everything, work outrageous hours and put themselves under extreme pressure because they want to. They certainly do not do it for the promise of riches. They do it because they have to, because they are driven to create something from nothing. If you haven't already subscribed yet, subscribe now for free weekly Infochachkie articles!

Entrepreneurship is not a choice. Entrepreneurs want to matter. Safety in Numbers Most people choose to live in the midst of The Herd. Milling about in The Herd may be safe, but the job security comes at the cost of controlling your destiny. You might rationalize remaining in The Herd with the hope that you will lead it someday. The Herd University. EMPRENDIMIENTO. Inicio » Emprendimiento. » (12 / 06 / 2010 ) Concepto y definición de emprendimiento El emprendimiento es un termino últimamente muy utilizado en todo el mundo. Aunque el emprendimiento siempre ha estado presente a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, pues es inherente a ésta, en las últimas décadas, éste concepto se ha vuelto de suma importancia, ante la necesidad de superar los constantes y crecientes problemas económicos. La palabra emprendimiento proviene del francés entrepreneur (pionero), y se refiere a la capacidad de una persona para hacer un esfuerzo adicional por alcanzar una meta u objetivo, siendo utilizada también para referirse a la persona que iniciaba una nueva empresa o proyecto, término que después fue aplicado a empresarios que fueron innovadores o agregaban valor a un producto o proceso ya existente Importancia del emprendimiento.

Todo esto, sólo es posible, si se tiene un espíritu emprendedor. What is Process Excellence? | Process Excellence Network. Frases de Motivación / Frases de motivacion.