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38439_410069063494_753178494_4678735_1607061_n.jpg from C O N S O L L E C T I O N. Awesome Batman hoodie. WANT!!! Mario Piano Sheet Music. IRL RPG: Asking Someone Out. Videogame Characters Solve Real World Problems. 19 Amazing Video Game Cakes - Mental Floss. Serious gamers know just how time-consuming gaming is, often making it difficult to do anything besides working (only to buy more games) and playing the games themselves. Even so, gamers usually do still manage to have lives outside of the console; these cakes are some of the amazing creations born as a result. Consoles While most people dedicate their gaming obsessions to the specific games they play, others adore entire consoles.

For those who worship at the altar of the original NES, Debbie Does Cakes has made a simply amazing cake complete with some of the system’s most classic characters. Of all the console cakes around, this PS3 cake by Pink Cake Box, accessorized with a Blackberry and spilled Pepsi can, might best capture the gaming lifestyle for those truly dedicated few. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of pulling a new system out of its box for the first time and this Nintendo DSi cake by Pink Cake Box perfectly captures that blissful feeling. Lego Batman Skyrim Bioshock Q*Bert. Charmander-cake.html from