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Facebook Twitter Is Not a Store » The Kickstarter Blog. It's hard to know how many people feel like they're shopping at a store when they're backing projects on Kickstarter, but we want to make sure that it's no one. Today we're introducing a number of changes to reinforce that Kickstarter isn’t a store — it’s a new way for creators and audiences to work together to make things. We’d like to walk you through these changes now. Today we added a new section to the project page called "Risks and Challenges. " All project creators are now required to answer the following question when creating their project: “What are the risks and challenges this project faces, and what qualifies you to overcome them?”

We added the "Risks and Challenges" section to reinforce that creators' projects are in development. The new section will appear below the project description of projects that launch starting today. The development of new products can be especially complex for creators and seductive to backers. They are: Product simulations are prohibited. No. KickStarter, Ulule, MyMajorCompany... gros plan sur le financement participatif : Et après le don ? Kickstarter failures revealed! What can you learn from Kickstarter failures? [INFOGRAPHIC] | See the full infographic below. For the first time ever, the Kickstarter failure numbers are revealed.* I recently came across Dan Misener’s article, Kickstarter hides failure, where he talked about how Kickstarter makes it difficult for you to see/find failed projects.

They intentionally prevent failed campaigns from being indexed by the search engines (through “noindex” robot meta tags). Dan’s article got quite a bit of attention. And in his follow-up post, he posed some interesting questions that led me to do some investigations of my own. What is the percentage of successful vs. failed projects? As an entrepreneur who’s looking at Kickstarter as a potential source of funding, I’m very interested in these numbers and the insights they provide.

To get these questions answered, I had a scraper script written (not by me) that was able to scrape all the projects as of June 2, 2012, including those that failed to achieve their funding goal. Kickstarter failures finally revealed! Le guide du crowdfunding (financement participatif) pour les artistes. Une synthèse d’informations en français pour financer un projet artistique en utilisant un financement participatif (crowdfunding).

C’est quoi le crowdfunding ? Le “crowdfunding“, littéralement le “financement par la foule », est une approche de financement participatif de projets qui consiste à collecter de petites sommes auprès d’un grand nombre de personnes pour financer un projet. La multiplication des petites sommes collectées permet à des porteurs de projets de réunir des fonds qu’ils n’auraient pas pu obtenir via des sources de financement classiques et ce sans intermédiaires. C’est une approche particulièrement interessant pour les projets créatifs et artistiques. Depuis 2009, Kickstarter, le leader anglophone du crowdfunding a permis de financer plus de 20 000 projets ! Comme le rappelle Virginie, il ne faut pas confondre le crowdfunding avec un label participatif, comme MyMajorCompany par exemple.

Le porteur reste le seul détenteur de son projet. Démarrer un projet en crowdfunding.


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