The Crack in the Dominant 'Asian' Armour – India's Moment to Seize the Day. While a large number of infamous astrologers, psychics and crystal ball predictors try to weave a cause, effect and continue to provide us with timelines for the finalities of COVID 19 – Not a single person in this world had been able to predict that a virus would be able to shut us down both economically and physically, at the unprecedented scale and speed at which COVID 19 has taken over our businesses and households globally.
While no offence is meant to the abilities and power of conviction of the many clairvoyants, this pandemic has triggered the flight or fight mode in most of us and we have had to re-think our priorities, the way we contribute and view the world we live in, disrupt our well-laid plans and rebuild our modes of livelihood and most importantly give a newfound meaning to the word ‘innovation’. Full guide to Appoint a Company Secretary – Business Module Hub.
The perception regarding the appointment of a company secretary has changed among top company secretary firms in India since 2013.
3 Best Tips You Can Use when Scouting for a Bankruptcy Lawyer - My URL Pro. One can run into debt at almost anytime in their lie due to several reasons.
It may either happen due to the shortage of funds or any other reason. However, the problem starts coming up when you get behind on your bills and start getting calls. Relief For Home buyers As Insolvency Board Amends Bankruptcy Resolution Process Norms. In another move to ensure and safeguard the interest of various stakeholders, including home buyers, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board has amended the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 mandating that the resolution plan for a company has to explicitly state how it has dealt with the interest of all stakeholders.
The Board had earlier issued Form F, using which the house owners could raise their claims before the Insolvency Professional. The recent amendment is also being seen as a way to further Supreme Court’s directions to protect the interests of distressing home buyers who have been illegally deprived of their right to own houses/flats by real estate builders. The official release said that, “A resolution plan shall include a statement as to how it has dealt with the interests of all stakeholders, including financial creditors and operational creditors, of the corporate debtor”.
7 TIPS TO MAKE SURE YOUR STARTUP DOESN’T FAIL. Reading Time: 3 minutes 87 Views There is an entrepreneur in most of us.
However, many of us are afraid to take the leap forward. Most people do not follow their dream to take their ideas forward. However, there are some people who choose to take their dream forward and endeavour into some venture or the other. Foreign Direct Investment Policy in India. A&A is known as one of the leading advisors in the field of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India and India Entry Strategy.
Over a period of time, the firm has carved out a niche in the area of structuring foreign investment in India and assisting clients in creating a business setup in a legally compliant and cost-effective manner. In addition to providing level-headed consultancy services for FDI in India, A&A also helps clients in entering an appropriate business sector according to their expertise in a particular field. Our clientele includes investors, business corporations, industrialists, individual investors from over 20 countries, whom we have helped in creating a setup in India and also assisted in managing their day-to-day affairs during the post-registration phase.
Company Secretarial Services in Delhi, India. A&A provides a comprehensive range of services relating to setting up the operations of a corporate business entity including ‘Business Set-Up services’ and ‘Regular Compliance services’. The team consists of company secretaries in Delhi who are assisting clients setup and manage their business across India. This unique mixture of company secretaries and lawyers has enabled A&A to be recognised as one of the best company secretarial firm but also as one of the best company law and secretarial practice firm in India.
Besides being a statutory requirement, the corporate secretarial services can help guide you through the changes and challenges, and eventually easing your managerial burden and allowing you to focus on operating your business in a fully complied way. Business Set-Up services: We provide end-to-end advisory service regarding the most suitable form of organization, based on the client’s specific needs and objectives.
Best Insolvency & Bankruptcy Law Firm, Lawyers in India. Insolvency and bankruptcy in India had become one of the biggest challenges for the Indian economy in the last decade especially since the insolvency law in India was ancient and archaic. Recognizing that reforms in the insolvency and bankruptcy regime are critical for improving the business environment and alleviating distressed credit markets, the Government of India introduced the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Bill in November 2015, drafted by a specially constituted ‘Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee’ (BLRC) under the Ministry of Finance.
After a public consultation process and recommendations from a joint committee of Parliament, both houses of Parliament passed the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“Code/IBC”). The revised insolvency and bankruptcy law offers a uniform, comprehensive insolvency legislation encompassing all companies, partnerships and individuals (other than financial firms). Outside General Counsel Services Lawyer, Attorney. In today’s dynamic business environment, companies irrespective of their size, face increased legal, compliance and regulatory challenges. Larger companies typically meet these challenges by employing an in-house general counsel – an attorney (or group of attorneys) employed full time – to provide legal support and guidance to the company.
However, for many businesses, this may not be a viable option. The cost of hiring full-time, in-house attorneys/ lawyers to provide advise regarding entity formations, transactions, corporate governance, employment matters, dispute avoidance and resolution, regulatory compliance checklists and other legal matters may simply be too high. At the same time, companies may also find that engaging a law firm on an hourly basis is not the best solution, as legal fees can escalate quickly.
Outside General Counsel Services Lawyer, Attorney. How Intellectual Property Lawyers Are Valuable For Small Business - Help4Flash. Intellectual property is that class of intangible asset that is borne out of the human mind.
Being intangible in nature makes it difficult to quantify. Intellectual property is a very valuable asset for businesses and it needs protection from being infringed upon and misused. New businesses that are a result of new and innovative ideas need protection otherwise they would lose their competitiveness. These ideas and innovations are their assets (intellectual property) on which the entire success of their business depends.
They have a legal right over their intellectual property just as the owners of any other physical assets. What is Identity Theft And How To Protect yourself from it? Identity theft is by far the most rapidly expanding crime because of the very apparent reason that many of us have found our most important personal information available for free online — name, address, social security number, driver’s license, credit card number, etc. And cybercriminals get a quick time to steal it! What are Federal and State Laws for Drug Crime? by Sanjiv Singh. Being accused of any drug crime is a stern matter that can upshot in a prison verdict, considerable fines, and an enduring criminal record.
Drug charges can be carried into both state and federal law court. The rules and penalties for being accused of drug criminality differ in each court. On the other hand, with the support of a criminal defense lawyer who has familiarity protecting individuals in both state and federal court of law, you may be capable to have the charges levied against you terminated or abridged to a charge with much lesser punishments.
Drug crime lawyer in Cobb County can be of great help for you if you are accused by mistake by the authorities in a drug crime charge. What Are Common Federal Drug Charges? There are a lot of different federal drug misconducts that an individual could be charged with committing. A Complete Guide: How to Register a Company in India? The most complicated business structure in our country is the part of the company set up.
India has drastically improved its rankings in the global ease of doing business index. Role of Creditors in Mergers & Acquisitions in India and the governing laws. After a lifetime of sky-high valuations, private equity funds, strategic buyers and other different routes of carrying out M&A transactions in India, companies will now have opportunities to invest in Indian Market at a discount in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.After a lifetime of sky-high valuations, private equity funds, strategic buyers and other different routes of carrying out M&A transactions in India, companies will now have opportunities to invest in Indian Market at a discount in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.
The Companies Act of 1956, consolidates the provision of Mergers and Acquisitions firm in India. A business grows over time either organically, through the utility of its products and services or inorganically, through the expansion of the workforce, customers, infrastructure and others which increases the overall revenue of the organization. Mergers & acquisitions are an avatar of the inorganic growth process. For Mutual Divorce, Supreme Court Changes 6-Month 'Cooling Off' Rule. The Supreme Court has relaxed the procedure of granting divorce on the ground of mutual consent by waiving off the cooling off period of six months which was earlier mandatory for couples, to get a decree of divorce. The hon’ble court while hearing the arguments in the matter of Amardeep Singh vs. Harveen Kaur (Civil Appeal No. 11158 of 2017) ruled that that family courts are free to waive the statutory six-month period stipulated under Section 13B (2) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (“Act”) for considering divorce applications.
The hon’ble court held that the cooling off period can be waived in cases where the parties were living separately for more than eighteen months before filing the petition, efforts to reconcile differences had failed and claims of alimony and custody of children had been settled. 8 Stages of a Criminal Case in Georgia. Sometimes you fall into the grip of a lengthy criminal justice system. When you have been arrested for a crime, you will have to follow the stepwise process. Oftentimes, these steps vary from one state to the other.
8 Tips for Hiring the Best DUI Lawyer in 2020 - Milford-Now Submit Guest Post - Write For Us - General, Health, Travel. DUI instances are on the rise these days. Legal consequences aside, such instances may lead to an arrest. As it impacts an individual in several ways, dealing with the situation resulting from it can be stressful on the part of an individual. 5 Business Development Tips for Lawyers during COVID-19. Introduction. COVID-19: The Future of the Legal Industry - Learn Loft Blog. The world has come to a halt during these tough times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Except for essential services, all kinds of activities either stand suspended or operate partially. Following these facts, various services are scaling down or shutting down. 5 TIPS TO HIRE BEST TAX LAWYERS by Alex Peter. Anybody who has an income above a minimum threshold has to pay taxes to the government.
Both, individuals and businesses, have to pay tax on their income, which is categorized as direct tax. Then there are many indirect taxes as well. Consumer Forum To Entertain Complaint Even If Other Party Files Civil Suit On Same Matter. The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (“NCDRC”) has recently held that the jurisdiction of the consumer forum to entertain a complaint is not ousted on account of a civil suit having been instituted by the opposite party, even if the subject matter of the said suit is the same agreement which is the foundation of the consumer complaint. It was observed that the remedy available under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (“Act”) is an additional remedy for a consumer. It is up to the consumer to avail whichever remedy deems fit, be it before the civil court or before the consumer forum.
HOW TO RUN YOUR LAW FIRM FROM HOME. 5 Types of Strategic Partnership Agreements to Grow your Business. Strategic partnerships are termed as a formal and legal relationship between two individuals or companies to work towards a mutual goal. 7 Steps to Register a Limited Liability Partnership in India. Limited Liability Partnership(LLP) is a legal term used for a specific partnership taken up between 2 entities. TOP 5 TIPS FOR BECOMING A CORPORATE SECRETARY. 32 Views Company secretary, sometimes also referred to as corporate secretary, is an important administrative position in a limited concern and is a vital link between the directors, shareholders, the regulatory authorities, the government and all other stakeholders.
Cabinet approves 100% FDI in single brand retail via automatic route. M&A Process: Best 7 Steps In The Mergers & Acquisitions Process - Flow Activo. 7 Best Environmental Laws in India. Deposit norms relaxed to help startups raise funds. Tracking implications on Litigation in the COVID-19 era. Introduction to the Concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Ahlawat& Associates appoints Ms. KavitaPatwardhan as Counsel, Mumbai Practice (Head) Builders can not force buyers to settle the dispute through arbitration. 5 Questions You Must Ask To Real Estate Lawyer - 5 Trademark Tips for Branding Your Company. LAW FIRM MANAGEMENT: THE COMPLETE GROWTH GUIDE - Ridzeal. HOW TO RUN A REMOTE LAW FIRM DURING COVID19 - Postesy.
M&A Process Top- 5 Steps in Merger and Acquisition - Alex Jojn - Medium. CCI filing for 'Combination' approval further relaxed. 5 BENEFITS OF HIRING CORPORATE SERVICES – Business Module Hub. Right to Privacy-A Fundamental Right. Top 5 Impact of COVID19 on M&A Transactions. Changes in definition of startup.
Guide on Law against Fake News in Social Media. India jumps 30 places in business ease rank. Top 5 Skills for a Successful Law Career - AsiaPosts. Builders can not force buyers to settle the dispute through arbitration. 5 Important Tips For Young Advocates And Interns In Delhi Courts. Top 5 Skills for a Successful Law Career - India4world. Detail Analysis Of Gender Neutral Laws In India. MSME definition further revised by Union Cabinet. COVID-19 Effect On Law Firm Practices. Limitation Act not to apply under the Insolvency Code? How To Hire The Best Lawyer For Small Business.
7 Top Websites For Law Students Which They Can Use For Research. 5 Tips for Hiring A Bankruptcy Law Lawyer. Supreme Court Says Foreign Law Firms Cannot Practice Full-Time In India. New Avenues for Discharging Offset Obligations. Amendments under Companies Act in Economic Package announced by Union FM. Key takeaways from the Economic Package announced by Union FM. 5 Best Merger and Acquisition Tips That In-House Lawyers Can Use – SALSA TECHIE. FDI changes in Defence Sector under Economic Package announced by Union FM.
7 benefits to start ups by Indian Government - Bulaquo.Com. Bombay High Court upholds constitutional validity of RERA. 7 Best Environmental Laws in India - Online SBI Tips. Ahlawat & Associates ranked amongst Top 50 law firms in India by RSG Consulting. The complete list of Labor Laws in India. HOW TO APPLY FOR VISA FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM. Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2017 passed by the Government. A Guide to Outsourced General Counsel Services. Highlights of speech by Union Finance Minister. How Corporate Lawyers Can Help in Global Development? - Soft2Share. New Avenues for Discharging Offset Obligations. Tips for Managing Human Resource in Mergers and Acquisition - Help4Flash Blog.
Impact of IBC Amendments on Businesses. Benefits Of Equality Before Law In Our Day To Day Lives. Invest In India: Know everything about it. Rationalization and Liberalization of ECB Policy by the Reserve Bank of India. 7 Benefits Of Foreign Investment In India - Blog View - Law Referral Connect. How to Hire the Best Lawyer for Small Business - Best exercises for founders during COVID19. IPR Issues in Defence Procurement. Advice for Entrepreneur who wants to Expand their Business in India - India4world. 5 BEST STEPS: HOW TO HIRE BUSINESS ATTORNEY - Expose Work. Dispute Resolution Law Firms in India. 5 Important points of Data Protection and Privacy Policies in Cyber Law. 5 Important points of Data Protection and Privacy Policies in Cyber Law.
5 Important points of Data Protection and Privacy Policies in Cyber Law. 5 Important points of Data Protection and Privacy Policies in Cyber Law. Importance of Labor Law Consultancy Services. 7 Things you should know about Copyright Law. Bankruptcy Law In India New Addition Of Code With Associated Rules. 5 Important Reasons for Hiring Company Secretary Services for your Organization. M&A PROCESS: TOP 5 STEPS IN MERGER AND ACQUISITION - KiziNew. Bankruptcy Law In India – New Addition Of Code With Associated Rules. Ministry of Corporate Affairs notifies Companies Fresh Start Scheme, 2020.
Brief Guide of Labour and Employment Laws of India. HOW TO REGISTER PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY IN INDIA - Shoppingthoughts.Com. 5 BENEFITS OF HIRING CORPORATE SERVICES.