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DIY bracelets. Bracelets. Du néon aux poignets, ou comment faire ses propres bracelets ? {DIY inside} - Mon quotidien Créatif. Hello girls !

Du néon aux poignets, ou comment faire ses propres bracelets ? {DIY inside} - Mon quotidien Créatif

How are you today ? I hope fine ! So, today, a little Do It Yourself :) Bon, allez, j'arrête.. en fait, c'est que je sais pas dire plus en anglais ^^ Mais ça, il ne faut pas le dire :p Donc aujourd'hui, un tutoriel pour être à la pointe de la tendance cet été !! Trêve de bavardages.. Ne vous découragez pas devant les photos, c'est très facile, et c'est juste 3 à 4 étapes à répéter autant de fois que vous le désirez ! Promis, quand vous aurez le coup de main, ça ira vite, et vous ne serez pas déçues ! Il vous faut donc des scoubidous, du scotch, et une grosse perle (ou tout autre moyen de fermer un bracelet !)

Tu vas avoir besoin de trois scoubidous : -Un qui sera la base, il ne se verra pas dans le bracelet (pour moi c'est le noir) Kumihimo – 12 Strand Spiral Tutorial — Dream a Little Bigger. DIY Macrame Bracelet. Growing up by the beach in Southern California, the ability to knot a macrame bracelet was practically a right of passage.

DIY Macrame Bracelet

Although those days are long behind us, we’ve never forgotten the ever-so-simple square knot technique. This time, however, we’re replacing hemp and wooden beads for more updated elements like colorful nylon cord and glossy metal charms. Happy knotting! You’ll need: Start by cutting the knotting cord into two 30 inch, two 20 inch and one 10 inch lengths. Center the 30 inch cord under the two middle strands. Pull tightly and slide the knot up to the top. Finish the 2nd half of the square knot by folding the left cord over the middle strands and under the right cord. Pull tightly and repeat the steps – left, right, left, right . . . To finish the knots, thread one of the cords onto a needle and sew up the center of 3-4 knots along the backside. Michael ann made.: woven friendship bracelet tutorial. I love the summer friendship bracelet trend that i keep seeing in blog land, so i thought it would be fun to share with you another way to weave a friendship bracelet. one of the parents at work showed me this technique of using a circular cardboard loom and i love how quick it goes, you can easily finish a bracelet in one sitting. - cardboard - something small and circular (like a teacup or ramekin) - scissors, ruler, pen - embroidery thread in pretty colors.

michael ann made.: woven friendship bracelet tutorial

Tubular Friendship Bracelets. My line-up of DIY projects was put on hold last week when a friend’s grandfather passed away.

Tubular Friendship Bracelets

She asked if I could make her and her family a series of red, tubular embroidery thread bracelets to wear during the mourning period. And so back into the friendship-making mindset I went! Given that this woman not only threw me a whale of a baby shower, sewed the cover for the girls’ loveseat, knit Sunny the most adorable sock monkey stuffed animal, and hemmed fabric for a project I will unveil in the coming weeks, I dove right in. Kumihimo Bracelet Patterns. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets.

Braiding Tutorials. How to Make Jewelry Now. Kumihimo braiding is an ancient art form, and one that is quite beautiful. I bought supplies a few years ago, made one rope then tucked it all away. But a friend of mine who is just getting into kumihimo made me break out the supplies and start braiding again. Design your own kongoh gumi friendship bracelet. Send us your design with or without a photo of your finished braid.

Design your own kongoh gumi friendship bracelet

Link to your design - share your pattern with your friends Remember pattern (requires cookies) Kumihimo Bracelet Patterns. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets.


Kumihimo - tutorial; flat braid with hearts. I thought I´d post a tutorial of a kumihimo pattern; flat 12-tread braid with heart pattern: For about 2 bracelets (finished length 30+ cm), I used 6 x 1,20 m lengths; 5 x 1 mm cords in dark blue satin and 1 x 2mm cord in pink satin.

Kumihimo - tutorial; flat braid with hearts

The thicker cord might be a bit shorter if you want. Lay the threads double and place the 12 threads in the starting position as shown under. (I will refer to the disc as a clock: 12 o´clock is on top, 3 o´clock is to the right, 6 o´clock is bottom ans 9 o´clock is left.) This is the starting position of the threads. First take the inner right thread in the 12 o´clock position and move it down below the two threads on the left side, in the 9 o´clock position. Take the inner left thread in the 12 o´clock position and move it down below the two threads on the right side, in the 3 o´clock position. Diamond Kumihimo Pattern. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets. We will need: 16 strings (12 violet and 4 green) about 20 cm longer than your wrist circumference + some for tying the bracelet.

Diamond Kumihimo Pattern. Friendship Bracelets. Bracelet Patterns. How to make bracelets

Kumihimo Patterns for the Kongo Gumi Braid. Kumihimo is the ancient Japanese art of braiding cord (“kumi”= to braid, “himo” = cord).

Kumihimo Patterns for the Kongo Gumi Braid

Over the centuries, these cords have been used for religious ceremonies, lacing samurai armor, securing the kimono sash (obi) and other decorative uses. There are hundreds of braiding structures, ranging from simple to very complex, and requiring from 4 to over 100 threads. The braid described here is traditionally made on a round braiding stand (marudai) which uses weighted bobbins to produce a balanced tension and manage long threads. Nine Braids Created with Braid Runner. How to Braid Beaded Kumihimo and Make a Bracelet. Kumihimo tutorial - square braid - firkantfletting. Kumihimo firkantfletting med 8 tråder.

Kumihimo tutorial - square braid - firkantfletting

Kumihimo Details. Kumihimo Braid making can be found throughout the world, but as with many other subjects, the Japanese braids have a distinctive character of their own.

Kumihimo Details

Kumihimo has been an integral part of the Japanese culture for many centuries, used for both function and decoration. These braids were used in all walks of life but notably in the construction of Samurai armour. There were not buttons or zips then, so braids were used instead. How to: Wedded Bliss Beaded Kumihimo Necklace. Project N666Designer: Julie Bean Make a stunning necklace for your special day using Swarovski Crystals and the ancient Japanese braiding technique of Kumihimo.

The colors are subtle and muted, perfect for a wedding or any day you want to feel beautiful. Variations Make this necklace in a wide variety of colors. When substituting in items, pay attention to sizes and styles to make sure all your pieces will fit together. Kumihimo instructions.