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Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) Healthcare Informatics November 2011. Home: The premier global market intelligence firm. Rob Weber. Aberdeen Group - Home. Russ Klein. Michael Lock. Research. Technology Research & Business Leader Insight | Gartner. Paul Fenick. Business Intelligence reviews by BIScorecard Cindi Howson. Adobe: Industry Insights » Blog Archive » Announcing: Adobe AudienceResearch. Adobe recently announced gen­eral avail­abil­ity of a new prod­uct, Adobe Audi­enceRe­search. This announce­ment builds upon Adobe’s Audi­ence Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Pro­gram to pro­vide con­tent pub­lish­ers with an inde­pen­dent cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of key Site­Cat­a­lyst met­rics.

This enables pub­lish­ers to accu­rately rep­re­sent their audi­ences in the ad sell­ing process for ads whether those ads appear on sites, in dig­i­tal mag­a­zine edi­tions, or in mobile applications. Before today, audi­ence mea­sure­ment ser­vices relied almost exclu­sively on panel-based mea­sure­ment sys­tems that use the behav­ior of a few peo­ple to esti­mate the behav­ior of the entire pop­u­la­tion. The result is that try­ing to guess how big your audi­ence really is often feels like plac­ing a bet at the horse track. Audi­enceRe­search was built to address these con­cerns and pro­vides the fol­low­ing key ben­e­fits to Adobe Cer­ti­fied Publishers. Accu­rate Com­pre­hen­sive Con­sis­tent Trans­par­ent Real-time.