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No job if you link to WikiLeaks, warns Columbia. Don't Mention the Cables, Future Diplomats. Columbia University Reverses Anti-Wikileaks Guidance. Days after Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) caused an uproar by warning its students against linking to WikiLeaks or discussing the secret-spilling website’s latest cache of diplomatic cables online, the prestigious training ground for future diplomats has changed tack and embraced free speech.

Columbia University Reverses Anti-Wikileaks Guidance

Last week, the SIPA Office of Career Services sent an e-mail to students saying that an alumnus who works at the U.S. State Department had recommended that current students not tweet or post links to WikiLeaks, which is in the process of releasing 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables — many of them classified — because doing so could hurt their career prospects in government service. “Engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidential information, which is part of most positions with the federal government,” the Office of Career Services wrote. Now, SIPA Dean John H. Social Security bosses: Crime to look at WikiLeaks?

From the inimitable Sam Smith at the Progressive Review comes a story even more ludicrous that the New York Times giving the feds pre-screening rights on the WikiLeaked cables [see the previous post].

Social Security bosses: Crime to look at WikiLeaks?

One major federal outfit has warned its employees that they could be prosecuted even for viewing them online, despite the fact that there ain’t enough jail cells on the planet to hold all the people who already have: At least one government agency — The Social Security Administration — is warning employees that even browsing Wikileaks could be a criminal offense. The Review has revceived a copy of an email sent to staffers with the subject line, “Information Security Bulletin: WIKILEAKS.” Here’s the threat:“Earlier this year a large amount of United States government classified information was illegally released to the public website WIKILEAKS.