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Short movies

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A collection of some cool short movies

Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right - Revisited - International Version. I'M HERE - SPIKE JONZE. Part 1 - I'm Here. Part 2 - I'm Here. Part 3 - I'm Here. Stop-motion. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Short. Though it skirts on journalism ethics to post about him, considering he's been dating the staff of Moviefone for weeks (in our dreams, anyway), Joseph Gordon-Levitt's adorable short film from 2010 SXSW deserves its own post.

Gordon-Levitt has been quietly running his own online production company,, for years. In the below clip, 'Morgan and Destiny's Eleventeeth Date: The Zeppelin Zoo,' he and fellow hottie Channing Tatum duke it out over a pretty girl high above the clouds. The film was a massive collaboration between online contributors on HitRECord, who each contributed different parts -- music, animation, story -- to create one complete, whimsical product. Check out the movie JGL's company built after the jump. Check out the movie JGL's company built below.

Morgan and Destiny's Eleventeeth Date. Short. PIXAR. Short Films. Beaux courts métrages.