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Un film maudit? Scott Pilgrim est-il un film maudit? C’est un peu la question que je me pose en voyant le gadin incroyable que le film se prend dans les dents en sortant chez l’oncle Sam. Il s’est pris un KO debout par deux films que je n’attendais pas aussi en forme Vampire sucks ( qui porte bien son titre) et The Exependables ( qui est une bouse.

La chose qui m’intrigue le plus est de voir au final le clivage qui se crée au sein même d’une propre génération. Je n’ai pas lu l’intégralité du comics book et ne suis donc pas en phase de juger a 100%, nous dirons que je m’interroge juste sur certains points. Prenons la phase de pre teasing aux Etats-unis, les sites de cinéphiles un peu geek connus s’affolent. L’ambiance montent, l’impatience grandit. La hype est là, le train est en marche et comme tout le monde je m’attendais à un carton en salle…et là c’est le drame. Alors où a eu lieu la scission entre le public des geeks, les journalistes et le reste du monde. . — Chandleyr. Betsy Sharkey's film pick of the week. When I heard that "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" had girl problems, naturally I thought, "Oh right, Michael Cera as Scott has trouble with girlfriends new and old, young and old, just about every configuration you can imagine.

" But no, the film has girl problems -- as in they will not go see it. I was mystified. Loved the film, and I’m a girl. Took my daughter, also a girl, to see it. She loved it even more. So for those bothered and bewildered about "Scott's" appeal, here are some reasons for the femmes to check it out. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -- Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times film critic Photo: Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is shadowed by Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) in "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. " Scott Pilgrim vs. FOD. Duncan Jones. Scott Pilgrim is an epic for the Nintendo generation. I want to lke this film but the trailer has really put me off. I mean what kind of demographic is this film really aimed at. I mean most hardcore gamers are between the teen's and middle 30's (give or take). I own a PS3 A 360 and a Wii. And im not remotely intrested in giant computer hammers appearing from thin air, 1-up symbols or large writting across the screen.

Even if its to convey the comic it came from. Ang lees Hulk tried to do it with comic-esq split screen and it failed horribly. If I was to look at a film that hits home with todays gamer/comic fans. This film looks like its aimed at very small kids that like to watch stuff explode in a colourful and childish manner. It feels more like 'Mario' with Bob Hoskins........set in the real world but completly stupid and not very enjoyable for gamers of my age. Just childish! Movie Review: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - Perfect KO. In 15 to 20 years from now, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World will be seen as the defining movie of its respective generation, and if it isn’t, it should be. No movie has better encapsulated and satirized the interests and temperaments of contemporary youth, and no future movie is likely to surpass it. With the exception of those blindly dismissing the film as “hipster” (all of whom are apparently unaware that the hipster mentality is a source of constant ridicule throughout the film), the under-30 crowd is going to adore this movie.

The box office may not reflect it now, but its status as cult classic will manifest itself heavily down the line, when time has proven the film to be uniquely representative of youths from the late ’90s and aughts, whose lives have been so heavily influenced by video games, movies, television, music, comics and the internet. That’s the problem with watching too many movies: the more you watch, the harder it is to be legitimately surprised. Review. To say that the comic-to-film adaptation Scott Pilgrim Vs The World has been well marketed would be a modest statement. Thanks to all the trailers, sneak peeks, cheeky cast reveals and secret screenings, not to mention the tweets, tie-in videogame and perfectly-timed release of the series' final volume, the anticipation level among its target audience is off the chart.

And it's no surprise, since it's effectively the Twilight or Harry Potter for hip geeks and geeky hipsters. But where the big screen adaptations of the boy-wizard and girl-who-dates-supernatural-hunks franchises have the luxury of sequel-ready storytelling, Scott Pilgrim takes its six-volume arc and crams it into just under two hours.

However, director Edgar Wright is perfect for the job. After all, this tale of twenty-something Torontonians fits right in with the work he has made in the past with collaborator Simon Pegg. For Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) isn't a million miles away from a Spaced character.