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jQuery Plugins

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Free web resources for designers and web developers. Here we developed several frequently-used jquery ui plugins.

free web resources for designers and web developers

They are all free (open source LGPL license), easy to use, and with great functionalities. Hope you can enjoy them. You may see them all in action JQuery Event Calendar Plugin jquery event calendar wdCalendar is a jquery based google calendar clone. Day/week/month view provided.create/update/remove events by drag & drop.Easy way to integrate with database.All day event/more days event provided. See it in action | Check documentation | download JQuery Scroll Tab Plugin jquery scroll tab wdScrollTab is a tab panel which has ability to scroll for tabs that do not fit on the page.

Croll tab in case of too many tabs.dynamical/remove javascript API See it in action | Check documentation | download JQuery Checkbox Tree Plugin jquery checkbox tree wdTree is lightweight jQuery plugin for present tree with nested check boxes. Parents/children checkinglazy load from database configurable node attributes JQuery Date Picker Plugin. jQuery Datepicker สำหรับปี พ.ศ. jQuery plugin: Validation. This jQuery plugin makes simple clientside form validation trivial, while offering lots of option for customization.

jQuery plugin: Validation

That makes a good choice if you’re building something new from scratch, but also when you’re trying to integrate it into an existing application with lots of existing markup. The plugin comes bundled with a useful set of validation methods, including URL and email validation, while providing an API to write your own methods. All bundled methods come with default error messages in english and translations into 37 locales. If you want to support the development of this plugin, please donate to the ongoing campagin. The plugin is written and maintained by Jörn Zaefferer, a member of the jQuery team, lead developer on the jQuery UI team and maintainer of QUnit. Current version: 1.11.1License: MIT Files: DownloadChangelogDemosDocumentationGitHub RepositoryGitHub 1.11.1 Tag 1.11.1 files on Microsoft’s Ajax CDN (hotlinking welcome): Dependencies Required Support. Reveal: jQuery Modal Plugin from ZURB - ZURB Playground -

Setting up Reveal modals is only three easy steps.

Reveal: jQuery Modal Plugin from ZURB - ZURB Playground -

Attach the needed files, drop in your modal markup then add an attribute to your button. Reveal is awesome because it's easy to implement, is cross-browser compatible with modern browsers (with some graceful degradation of course) and lightweight coming in at only 1.75KB. What that means for you is that it's fast, sexy and just works. Now let's see how easy is can be to get Reveal working! Reveal is now part of Foundation! This version of Reveal has been depreciated. Visit Foundation Step 1: Attach Needed Files. Zurb/reveal - GitHub. JqMessageBar, a jQuery notification bar. Mindscratch/jqMessageBar - GitHub. FitText - A plugin for inflating web type.