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6 idées reçues sur le marketing d'influence - Content Marketing Académie. Lors de notre conférence dédiée au contenu et à l’influence, Nicolas Chabot, après avoir défini l’influence, a également expliqué ce qu’elle « n’était pas ». A cette fin, il a passé en revu un certain nombre d’idées reçues qui amenaient trop souvent à confondre l’influence avec des pratiques et notions qui n’ont, en réalité, rien à voir avec l’influence dont il est question dans les bonnes pratiques du marketing d’influence.

Idée reçue #1 : influence = popularité L’idée reçue est assez simple et réside dans l’affirmation suivante : plus j’ai de followers, plus j’ai d’influence. Pourquoi est-ce un mythe ? D’abord parce l’influence, la vraie – et celle dont il est question en marketing d’influence – est contextuelle. Une personne est influente dans un contexte donné, pas tous azimuts. L’influence se distingue de la popularité également car elle est fortement liée à une notion d’engagement et d’impact.

Idée reçue #2 : les influenceurs sont juste un canal de distribution des contenus. How Much Does Micro-Influencer Marketing Cost? | WeRSM – We are Social Media | Latest news on social media and tips on using Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram… Influencer marketing is becoming one of the hottest trends of the past year, and everyone is clamouring to gain a better understanding of it and how to use it.

On the other hand, many find that micro-influencer marketing – which is increasingly showing its powers – works best for them. Yet, this new field is largely undefined – and there doesn’t seem to be a clear consensus as to how much it costs. New York-based influencer platform Bloglovin published a report analysing the cost of micro-influencer marketing to help marketers in their efforts. After surveying 2,500 influencers, it’s clear that Instagram is the most popular in terms of how effective it is in engaging audiences. 60 percent of respondents prefer Instagram, 18 percent prefer Facebook, and only 1 percent prefer Snapchat – despite huge interest in the platform.

With regards to the cost of micro-influencer marketing, the study finds that Well, it depends by platform – that is clear. So, what should marketers expect? And, Micro-influencers are the new field in influencer marketing. BI Intelligence This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Digital Media Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here. A new field is emerging in influencer marketing where brands are paying people with minimal followings on social media to promote their products, BuzzFeed reports.

Advertising businesses are tapping into this emerging trend to turn to “everyday” social users into influencers overnight: Influencer marketing agencies are cashing in. There are ad businesses where anyone with a social media account can sign up to receive free products for review. To receive stories like this one directly to your inbox every morning, sign up for the Digital Media Briefing newsletter. Three reasons why brands should use micro-influencers. CONTRARY to popular belief, bigger isn’t always better – especially when it comes to influencers being paid to produce content for brands. Many brands have often resorted to splurging on huge influencers – with followers of more than a 100,000. But is that really the best way to reach out to consumers? Instead of using famous influencers, studies have shown that it is perhaps more effective for brands to use micro-influencers instead. Here are four reasons why brands should be looking to micro-influencers to engage more with their consumers.

Engagement decreases as popularity of influencers increases It may seem illogical but it’s true. Influencers with less than 1,000 followers have a “like” rate close to eight per cent while those who have up to a thousand followers have a “like” rate of four per cent. Reach a bigger audience with a smaller budget It’s no surprise that brands have to shell out the big bucks to have a top-shelf influencer to create and post content for your brand.

Micro-influencers are changing the way brands do social marketing according to new report. New York based discovery platform Bloglovin' has released research showing that it is micro-influencers that are changing the industry. It has noticed a critical shift in what it terms the "next generation" of influencers. The survey was conducted in June 2016 through online polling of 2,500 micro-influencers that utilize its platform. It found that almost half of influencers join new platforms to expand their audience or express themselves creatively. The research found that 34 percent of influencers state that brands are unaware of the true costs of influencer marketing programs. The company took an in-depth look into best practices that brands can utilize to make influencer marketing work for them.

The study surveyed a set of of micro-influencers, those not in the top 10 percent of mega-bloggers, to identify trends on the state of the influencer marketing industry so that brands can develop influencer marketing strategies. The rise of micro-influencers has been slow but steady. Are 'Micro-Influencers' The Future of Influencer Marketing? | WeRSM – We are Social Media | Latest news on social media and tips on using Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram… In light of the growing distrust towards any sort of branded content, Influencer Marketing has been stamped as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And on paper, it makes sense. Influencers have established a deep connection with their fans, and in their eyes, they come across as more independent, trustworthy, genuine, and relatable than a cold branded post. But audiences will eventually distrust influencers… This is where micro-influencers come into the picture.

Today, great content is of paramount importance, but sadly it usually falls on deaf ears because brands share it on their own channels. The term “Influencer Marketing” has never been more popular on searches. And some of the partnerships have been working wonders for marketers. Firstly, influencers are only starting to realise the power they have at their fingertips, and whilst the fees they charge vary greatly, be prepared to see them rise immensely. “What is Micro-Influencer Marketing?” He’s right. About the author: Alex. Could Micro-Influencers Be Your Best Bet for Paid Marketing? Credit: Alliance/Shutterstock Have you ever considered working with a popular public figure to promote your brand? If so, you're jumping on the influencer marketing bandwagon.

According to a Social Media Today podcast, sponsored by Blog Meets Brand, 59 percent of marketers will increase their influencer marketing budgets next year. This might be because marketing-induced consumer-to-consumer word of mouth generates twice the sales of paid advertising, according to the podcast. But it's not just celebrities who can influence your target consumers. "Micro-influencers" — namely, bloggers and social media "stars" with dedicated, highly engaged followers — can also be incredibly persuasive, and are often more affordable than big-name celebs. "While the influencer industry is exploding, a lot of brands are unaware what the best practices are," said Rohit Vashisht, president of Activate by Bloglovin', Bloglovin's influencer marketing platform. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Is Celebrity Dead? Micro-Influencers' Power Over Consumers is Real - HireInfluence. Written by: Zahara Jade We all know that celebrities pull a lot of power. For as long as we can remember, celebrities have been the go-to brand ambassadors, wooing consumers with their fame, selling brands products with a split second ad appearance and nothing more. Move over, celebs. Influencers big and small, non-celebrities alike, are making waves as brand ambassadors in the consumer marketplace. That’s right, marketers and brands are waking up as consumers respond to the hard facts. Influencer Marketing, Celebrities, and Micro-Influencers Influencer marketing is the incredible industry partnership between brands and influencers. Celebrities as Influencers Celebrities were the original influencers, and as the marking and consumer industry evolved into a digital landscape, everyone adapted. Influencers and Micro-Influencers In more recent time, social media personalities have risen as celebrities in their own right.

Micro-Influencers Overtaking Celebrities as the Go-To Influencers Related. Micro-Influencers: The New Way Forward? - HireInfluence. Written by: Zahara Jade Last week I wrote a post, Niche vs. Numbers: What Matters When Hiring an Influencer? Social media and influencer marketing are not too different than other things in our society – we look at the superficial, and the more sparkly, shiny, and bigger, the better. At least, many of us think that, right? For example, when it comes to influencers, many people and brands think that influencers who post tons of cool looking photos, drawing in massive amounts of followers, are the very best to hire.

Last week’s article broke down this myth a little. Today we will go a bit further to explore the micro-influencer, and look at how someone with a smaller but loyal audience can provide a substantial contribution to a brand’s campaign. What is a Micro-Influencer Marketing? In definition, micro-influencer marketing is about helping brands uncover their target customers through highly intelligent, targeted posts shared through the social media community. Macro vs. Related. The rise of 'micro-influencers' on Instagram. There’s such a thing as being too popular. It turns out that once a social media influencer reaches a critical mass of followers, audience engagement actually begins to decrease. A survey of 2 million social media influencers by influencer marketing platform Markerly showed that for unpaid posts, Instagram influencers with fewer than 1,000 followers have a like rate of about 8 percent, while those with 1,000 to 10,000 followers have a like rate of 4 percent.

As following base continues to increase, like rate keeps decreasing. Instagram influencers with 10,000 to 100,000 followers see a 2.4 percent like rate, compared to 1.7 percent for those with 1 million to 10 million followers and more. Comment rate follows a similar pattern. Advertisement The findings apply to sponsored Instagram posts, too, which suggests the sweet spot for maximum impact is an influencer with a following in the 10,000 to 100,000 range. It’s a simple math. Related. Stratégie social media : pourquoi La Poste cible les influenceurs locaux. New Research Shows Micro-Influencers Drive Consumer Buying Behavior at Much Higher Rates Than Previously Thought. Nationwide study conducted by Dr. Jonah Berger from the Wharton School and the Keller Fay Group sheds new light on the importance of this emerging influencer marketing channel SALT LAKE CITY (March 30, 2016) – A first-of-its-kind study was released today to examine how micro-influencers are driving buying behavior and by measuring the volume and impact of their recommendations on consumers.

The study was conducted by Dr. Jonah Berger, bestselling author of the book Contagious: Why Things Catch On and a marketing professor at the Wharton School, in partnership with the Keller Fay Group, the leading authority on word of mouth marketing research. The study was funded by Experticity, the largest network of influential category influencers. One of the most interesting study findings was that according to the data, these influencers have up to 22.2 times more conversations each week regarding recommendations on what to buy versus an average consumer. About Experticity About Jonah Berger. Celebrities vs Fashion Bloggers : who is going to be the next favourite brand ambassador? | Launchmetrics. A couple of months ago, we started a series of meetups about Influencer Marketing.

So, to celebrate the beginning of Paris Fashion Week, I proposed the following topic: “From bloggers to influencers: how Influencer Marketing has disrupted the fashion world.” One of the main characteristics of Influencer Marketing is the fact that bloggers and influencers have the ability to shape customers’ purchasing decisions. This is true because they take care of their community, create close ties with them and, most of all, they are credible. Of course, social media and blogs democratize conversations, but we’re not following bloggers because we want to have a voice, but because they are one of us. This is irreversible and brands are adapting to this new paradigm. Honoured to announce that I am now a #lorealista! This leads us to ask two questions: Is L’Oréal opening the way for bloggers to become brand ambassadors?

Celebrities are inaccessible Celebrities seem unattainable, no matter who they are. Influencer Marketing. Tori Stark October 25, 2016 The holiday season is just around the corner, and it promises to be one of the biggest shopping seasons yet. According to PwC, spending is going up 10% this year, and both mobile and digital sales will be up about 25%. With more and more stores breaking tradition and closing on Thanksgiving this year, retailers and commerce companies are looking to digital to find holiday shoppers.

As brands ramp up advertising dollars for record-breaking holiday spending, HelloSociety wanted to take a look at how influencer engagement changes over the holidays and see which kind of influencers generate the most engagement. Method We queried our database of proprietary campaign data to collect average likes, comments, mentions, tags and latest follower count for each Instagram influencer in a pool of approximately 300 HelloSociety Instagram users. For this study, we defined the holiday season as November 1 through December 31. Findings Conclusion. Comment gagner en impact grâce aux micro-influenceurs.

Si vous travaillez dans le marketing et les relations presse, vous êtes sûrement familier avec les relations influenceurs. Derrière le terme influenceur sont regroupés les célébrités, les journalistes, les blogueurs ou tout simplement des personnes très actives sur les réseaux sociaux et suivies par une communauté importante. Un des critères les plus importants lors de la mise en place d’une campagne de relations influenceurs est, sans surprise, le ciblage des influenceurs. Nous avons tendance à nous diriger naturellement vers ceux suivis par la communauté la plus importante. Mais il nous faut nous demander quels sont nos objectifs à travers cette campagne : gagner en visibilité ou créer de l’interaction ? Car notoriété et engagement ne vont pas toujours de pair chez les influenceurs.

Une étude de Markerly nous démontre par exemple que sur Instagram, plus un utilisateur a d’abonnés, moins ses publications suscitent de l’engagement. C’est alors qu’entrent en scène les micro-influenceurs.