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Technology Gateway. Competitor analysis. Author: Jim Riley Last updated: Sunday 23 September, 2012 Introduction Competitor Analysis is an important part of the strategic planning process.

Competitor analysis

This revision note outlines the main role of, and steps in, competitor analysis Why bother to analyse competitors? Some businesses think it is best to get on with their own plans and ignore the competition. Competitor analysis has several important roles in strategic planning: • To help management understand their competitive advantages/disadvantages relative to competitors • To generate understanding of competitors’ past, present (and most importantly) future strategies • To provide an informed basis to develop strategies to achieve competitive advantage in the future • To help forecast the returns that may be made from future investments (e.g. how will competitors respond to a new product or pricing strategy? Questions to ask What questions should be asked when undertaking competitor analysis? • Who are our competitors? • What threats do they pose? forms/Comp Analysis.pdf. analysis.pdf. Free Excel Spreadsheets. Customized Templates | Financial Templates | High Quality Templates | Project Management | Able Bits | Addin Directory | Analyze It | Brush Tools | Business Rules | Custom Add Ins | Database Manager | Dashboards | Decision Analysis | Derivative Analysis | EZ Analyze | EZ Forecaster | FinCad-Derivatives | Free Economic Add On's | Free Navigation Tool Bar | Model Builder | Monte Carlo Simulation | Monte Carlo - Easy | Monte Carlo-Tukhi | NumXL | Portfolio Optimization | Risk Modeling | Sensitivity Toolkit | Simul-Stats | Spreadsheet ML | Statistical Analysis | Recover Corrupted Files | Tree Plan | Utilities | Value at Risk | XL Modeler | XL Sim | XL Stats |

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14 Tools to Legally Spy On Your Competition. Have you ever wished you were Bond?

14 Tools to Legally Spy On Your Competition

James Bond? Here are 007+007 = fourteen ways to spy on your competitors’ web sites, without breaking any FISA laws. 1. Statbrain – Using several sources, Statbrain’s algorithm computes the number of visitors to a website based on offsite factors like backlinks, Alexa Rank etc. Statbrain does not have access to log files or any hit-counter information. Free SWOT Analysis Tool- Create a SWOT Analysis with a SWOT Template. Gliffy's online SWOT analysis tools and templates are a simple, organized way to approach complex goal-setting.

Free SWOT Analysis Tool- Create a SWOT Analysis with a SWOT Template.

Map your goals Internally, you have Strengths and Weaknesses (SW—). Externally, you're faced with Opportunities and Threats (—OT). A SWOT analysis lets you look at these complex factors in a simple, four-square diagram that gives you more insight on strategies that will help you achieve your goals. Businesses, nonprofits, and governments use SWOT diagrams to successfully navigate and solve a wide array of problems: Competitive analyses Product line expansions Go-to-market strategies Crisis remediation Fund-raising tactics Communicate and share Gliffy Online offers templates, shapes, and formatting tools that make it easy to build quick-and-dirty SWOTs to resolve immediate issues, or more professional diagrams for presentations and long-term projects. Free Tools for Web Analytics, Search, Social Media & Competitive Analysis. Last week I was on a “Measuring Success” panel at PR+MKTG camp in Seattle.

Free Tools for Web Analytics, Search, Social Media & Competitive Analysis

Someone from the audience asked if there were any tools for a newbie to start measuring PR & Marketing efforts and learning. I uttered the names a few tools that came to my mind. Considering that there might be many others in the same situation I decided to write this blog post. In this post I am listing some of the tools that you can start using for free. Please note that this is not the most comprehensive list of the free tools. Side Note: All the panelists unanimously agreed that you need to first figure out your measurement needs based on your business requirements and KPIs and then find the tools that meet your needs. However, I recognize that someone who is not familiar with the various measurement tools needs some exposure to the tools to really think about the questions they might want to ask before making an investment in a paid tools. Gourmet Takeaway Food.

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