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Chicken and Dumpling Bake Casserole. This Chicken and Dumpling Casserole bake may not be real photogenic but it is simply delicious and another one of those foods that proves you can't judge a book by its cover.

Chicken and Dumpling Bake Casserole

It's also become one of the most stolen borrowed recipes on the net, however I do believe that this is the original one published first. While the name may be the same, this version is of course, a casserole, and not technically exactly like good ole old fashioned chicken and dumplings. To me, however, it provides a consistency and flavor similar to the more labor-intensive homemade version, but in a super-easy form, especially if you are using leftover chicken or a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. Coupons, Deals, Publix, Saving Money and Living Life: Chicken & Spinach Pasta Bake.

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