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Weekly astrology blog for 4/11-4/17. Muse Me. What are chakras? Learn about chakras and energy fields. - Club Mojan. What Are The Chakras? Many of us often experience feelings of unease, yet we can’t quite put our finger on the source. Despite confusion, some seek to dispel the anxiety with food, drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, etc.; others simply cast a blind eye toward the situation. However, this is like putting duct tape around a leaky pipe: applying a temporary fix to a potentially growing problem. When the realization hits that deeper intervention is necessary, many people look to prescription medication or psycho-therapy. Others seek answers in religion, while some choose to concentrate on healing body chakras. Life is energy, and the chakras are about energy. The chakras have been described as whorls of light that are situated along and in-front of the spine. Practitioners of eastern religions assert that true happiness can be achieved when all chakras are open, allowing energy to flow in and out.

. * First Chakra: Base or Root Chakra * Second Chakra: Svadisthana or The Sacral Chakra by Jamie Nishi. Monday morning honesty.