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A Good Movie to Watch - Highly-Rated, Little-known Film Suggestions. YOUR VOTE DETERMINES THE WINNERS OF THE 7TH ANNUAL WEIRDCADEMY AWARDS. Singing and dancing losers in La La Land? A high schooler struggling with his sexuality in the Moonlight? Casey Affleck brooding in Manchester by the Sea? Great acting, great cinematography, sure, but totally predictable. That’s exactly how they became eligible for the Oscars. Academy Award nominees reassure viewers, warm their hearts, and a bring a tear to their eye. Weirdcademy Award nominees frighten viewers, fry their minds, and sometimes bring a tiny taste of vomit to their mouths. You want to see the strange, the mysterious, the transgressive, the surprising, and the utterly bizarre.

Although the editors of 366 Weird Movies select the nominees from the pool of available movies, the Awards themselves are a naked popularity contest and do not necessarily reflect either the artistic merit or intrinsic weirdness of the films involved. Who makes up the Weirdcademy? (Vote as many times as you like, but only once per day, please. Be sure to also vote for Weirdest Short Film of the Year. Movie Reviews and Ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert. Cinephilia & Beyond. - Rare and beautiful celebrity photos.