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Can Social Timing Get 200% More Twitter Clicks? It's easy to get tweeting, but is anyone actually reading? I came across a study performed by Leo Widrich of Buffer that indicated that the answer is, generally, "yes. " That is, if you know when to tweet. The Science of Social Timing Buffer is a scheduling app. It's a simple but clever idea that allows you to add content you find interesting on the web. Where it differs from a basic "hootlet" is that it picks the best time for your tweets to go out. For the busy tweeter, it's a great way to disseminate information, but what really strikes me about the study is the click rate increase. "We took a large sample of 2000 Buffer users.

To me, this speaks to something larger than Buffer, Social Flow, or any app that helps you to schedule. For example, Frequency matters You want to make sure you have a steady stream of information going out to your followers. Don't tweet blind -Image Source: Who Wrote This Post? Connect: Longer Tweets Generate More Clicks on Twitter [New Data] Over the course of the last few years of presenting data about Twitter, I've been asked a few common questions that, at the time, I didn't have the data to answer. One of the most common questions asked has been regarding click-through-rates (CTR). I started by analyzing the length of 200,000 link-containing tweets as well as the CTR the links in those tweets generated. I calculated CTR as the number of clicks on a link divided by the number of followers the user had when he/she tweeted it. What I found was a little surprising. Why Twitter doesn’t care what your real name is.

Amid all the noise and fury over Google’s policy of requiring real names (or at least real-sounding names) on its new Google+ network — a policy that Facebook also has, and one we have been critical of in the past — it’s easy to forget that there’s a pretty large web service that doesn’t much care what your real name is. Although it does prevent you from pretending to be people you aren’t, Twitter doesn’t block or ban users for having pseudonyms the way Google and Facebook do. Why is that? I think it’s because Twitter realizes it can provide plenty of value for users (and thus for advertisers) without having to know your real name.

The social web is about reputation and influence, not necessarily names. Not real names — persistent identity with reputation attached Does that sound like any kind of online network you know of? Reputation and influence matters — not names Post and thumbnail photos courtesy of Flickr users Klobetime and Danny Cain. Twitter Limits: Maximum Tweets Per Day? There are over two hundred million registered users of Twitter. This number grows by hundreds of thousands each day as new users sign-up. There are over one hundred and fifty million Tweets per day. So many, in fact, that many people find it hard to monitor ongoing conversations without using special platforms. Twitter is used not only by individual people, but by businesses, organizations, governments, and individuals on behalf of animals or fictional characters. It seems everyone wants to share information in 140 character snippets. The White House ( @WhiteHouse ) uses Twitter to share quotes, information, and interact with citizens.

Jason Scott uses Twitter on-behalf-of his cat Sockington ( @Sockington ) and has amassed almost 1.5 Million followers (dubbed Army of Socks). Which makes one wonder, a repetitive looping fictional cat can make over 100 Tweets in a day – is there a maximum Tweets per day allowance? The answer is 1,000. Connect: Authored by: Danielle Leitch See complete profile.

Please Don’t Retweet. I’ve come to an opinion on something (and as with all opinions, it’s about as useful as sesame seeds on a bun):asking for a retweet or mention of something – that isn’t cause related – isn’t cool. Here’s my thinking: if your idea isn’t strong enough to fly on its own, then why should you chum the waters asking for it to be shared? Go right now and look at the results of this search. How many of these actually seem worthy? See what I’m smelling here? Please Don’t ASK for Retweets Again, unless it’s a cause, and then ask shamelessly and often for retweets or mentions, but otherwise? But, I could be wrong. runs on the Genesis Framework The Genesis Framework empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

Become a StudioPress Affiliate. 26 Things Twitter is NOT for the Tweeting Clueless. Looking Beyond Followers: How to Measure Your Performance on Twitter. August 3, 2011 Posted by Chuck Hemann Edelman Digital, Chicago Follow on Twitter @chuckhemann Originally posted on Analytics is King. We’re always (hopefully) interested in how our social channels are performing versus last week, month, year or even versus competitors. To that end, marketers of all stripes often wonder what the best metrics are when evaluating the performance of a particular platform. Yesterday, I received such a question from a very good friend of mine as it relates to Twitter. Anyway, her question prompted a thought… If I had to rank which metrics I think are the most important for Twitter, how would I rank them? ClicksClicks/postRetweetsRetweets per postTweet reachRetweet reachAverage reach per tweetPercentage of posts that are @ repliesNumber of listsFollowersSentiment?

A few things on this list… Clicks, and clicks per post are probably the two most important metrics in my opinion. The Problem with Using Too Many Twitter Hashtags. The hashtag (the # sign) is a great tool for organizing information on Twitter. If you’re at a conference, for instance, and you all use the same tag like #SCBWILA11, then all the info from that conference is easily linked together. You can also use a hashtag to broaden your audience. For example, if I think my tweet would be of specific interest to people who follow a certain tag, I can add that tag to my tweet and potentially get a whole new audience to see me and my tweet. Sometimes, something you write might have multiple audiences, and it’s tempting to add a lot of hashtags.

I think it’s easy to go overboard, and then you end up with a few possible downsides rather than upsides. A #tweet #with #lots of hashtags looks ugly. #yes #ugly #and #aesthetics #matter. If you add a lot of tags, you run the risk of using some that are low traffic used (or, in the case of #kidlitchat really only used once a week actively). As always, I’m a big fan of experimentation. How to Participate in a Tweet Chat. Twitter chats, sometimes known as a Twitter party or a tweet chat, happen when a group of people all tweet about the same topic using a specific tag (#) called a hashtag that allows it to be followed on Twitter.

The chats are at a specific time and often repeat weekly or bi-weekly or are only at announced times. This post is to give you a quick overview on how to join a tweet chat. Sign up for a free Twitter account Fill out your profile, add a picture and follow at least the leader of the Twitter chat you want to participate in. Take a look at some Twitter etiquette tips and tricks to get the hang of using Twitter. Be sure to follow the chat hosts, guests and browse the posts on previous chats to see who else may interest you. I frequently participate in Twitter chats and moderate some, for example the #TGTaste chats held by @BeaThirstyGirl and I’m participating in a few upcoming chats including #CabernetDay in September. I also love #PRChat, BlogChat and #SmallBizChat.

50 Signs You’re Addicted to Social Media & Twitter. It’s Saturday morning. You wake up out of the fog. You manage to open one eye and reach for the iPhone. You push the little round button so you can say good morning to your friends. Since the rest of the family is still asleep you think “hmmm… I’ll just go into my office and send a few tweets, see what’s circlin’ on Google+ and upload the photos from the seminarthis week to Facebook.” Well, that was at 7:00 am. It’s now 11:00 and you are still in your jammies with messy hair. You have experienced this situation before. Disclaimer: I am a marketing nut and by no means should you take the advice written in this post to determine if you need professional help.

I wrote a similar post “60 Signs You’re Addicted to Social Media & Twitter” earlier this year. 50 Signs of Social Media & Twitter Addiction & Need for Professional Help 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 140 x 1000 = number of days since you had a life. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Another Ten Reasons You Get UnfollowedOsakaBentures. Unfollowed? In Twitter, I meant. Sorry, it would have made the title too long. I have done a couple of these , but here are another 10 reasons people tend to get unfollowed in Twitter, besides these : 1. You DM me with sales pitches. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 7 Places You Should Never Tweet From| Jessica Malnik. Let’s face it. It’s tough to be a Twitter addict. You find yourself oblivious to the outside world, buried in your phone, ipad or laptop tweeting feverishly anytime and anywhere.

But, there are certain places where nobody should be tweeting from. 1. The Bathroom I’m not sure about you, but this is kind of unnecessary, not to mention just a little creepy. You wouldn’t talk on the phone (hopefully) while on the crapper, so why tweet or text from it? 2. I can think of plenty of great places to livetweet, including conferences, breaking news events, webinars, etc. 3. I get it. 4.

Your thumbs shouldn’t be the only thing getting a workout. 5. Chances are if you are in the ER, you have more pressing things to worry about than tweeting. 6. Nothing good can ever come out of drunk tweeting. 7. We get it. Am I missing anything? About Jessica Malnik I build online communities. 33 Tips to Not be a Twit on Twitter! What is a Twit? It’s not the same as a tweet although it’s sometimes referred to as one. Is it a person? Is it short for Twitter? Is it a tweet gone viral? Or a tweet gone bad. Or neither?

Here is a definition according to twit: twit·ted, twit·ting, twits To taunt, ridicule, or tease, especially for embarrassing mistakes or faults. 1. 2. 3. For the purpose of this blog post we will use #3 above “a foolishly annoying person”. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Your Twit Turn What are your thoughts? 5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Get More ReTweets. HOW TO: Create Custom Twitter Backgrounds Mashable HOW TO: Create Custom Twitter Backgrounds | The top source for social and digital news. Since the early days of Twitter, users have had the ability to upload their own background images. From photos of cute kittens to jaw-dropping mosaics, the Twitter background has been a key medium for self-expression, personal branding, and personal fulfillment.

If you're new to Twitter, or just never took the time to create your own Twitter background, this HOW TO guide is for you. This guide goes step-by-step into the rationale for creating a personalized Twitter background, takes a look at some amazing Twitter designers, and provides a list of useful Twitter design tools and resources. Your artistic juices shall soon be flowing. Why create a custom Twitter background? Some of you might ask: is creating a custom Twitter background worth the effort? While this is a valid question, and the final answer is up to you, there are a range of benefits to making your backdrop your own. Here are a couple reasons for why you might want to build your own: 1. Next, the actual dimensions. 1. 6 Ways to Capitalize on Twitter’s Promoted Tweets. ClickZ recently reported that Twitter is rolling out an enhancement to its Promoted Tweets program that will allow brands to reach more Twitter users.

Promoted Tweets will soon be distributed into the streams of users across the entire Twitter network. Up until this change, Promoted Tweets had only been displayed to users who are following your Twitter username. Twitter is restricting the rollout of this program update to 10% of its global users until it works out all the kinks. Obviously, this change will drastically impact the dynamic of the Promoted Tweets program and increase its appeal. Not to mention what it should do for Twitter’s revenue stream. There is no better time than now to start using Twitter for business.

And if your business establishes its Promoted Tweets account now, you’ll be ahead of the curve once it opens up these sweet new ad capabilities to all of its global users. If a tweet falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.