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Science Cut Ups – From the Science Cut Ups website: Science Cut Ups are manipulative activities designed to help teach science concepts and/or science process skills.

Science Cut Ups –

Find Science Cut Ups that meet your curriculum needs by using the descriptions below each item in the catalog. This summer, one of my many educator professional development opportunities was in Houston for a NASA workshop, where I was introduced to Science Cut Ups. These affordable, easy-to-use science manipulatives were given to us to use among our groups for an afternoon. Besides being organized by grade level and science area, there is also a Math Cut Ups website. Both sites have free downloads to get started and learn how their products can fulfill that hands-on need in the classroom. C.E.I.P. SAN MIGUEL. ARMILLA.: "Plickers" integrado en CLIL #gamificación. * (Use the translator of the page if it is needed)¿Quieres conseguir seguimiento individualizado del aprendizaje de tu alumnado en clase?

C.E.I.P. SAN MIGUEL. ARMILLA.: "Plickers" integrado en CLIL #gamificación

Muchas veces el trabajo de clase y la evaluación de un niño o una niña puede resultar tedioso, así como algunas actividades que se integran en clase si son sistemáticas y aburridas. Plickers ofrece una nueva fórmula para despertar el interés de los pequeños de una forma divertida y dinámica; al menos eso es lo que hemos estado tratando en las clase de ‘Natural and Social Science’ de 3º de Primaria. Afortunadamente, gracias a la tecnología digital de hoy día, los maestros podemos analizar y observar la evolución del aprendizaje a través de herramientas como ésta. El uso de Plickers, así como de Kahoot, ya es una realidad en la actividad de clase. English Corner del Colegio Público El Haya. English Corner Time. Recursos Educatius. CEIP VALDESPARTERA: el blog del cole: Ayudas TIC: Aplicaciones Online.

¿En alguna ocasión no has podido enviar por e-mail un archivo "demasiado pesado"? Novetats - Pàgina 1 de 47. 2nd Grade. Mr.

2nd Grade

Learn English with Me! 2 May Daily Routines Vocabulary: 5-7 year olds– Check out Nash’s Adventures You can save and print the pictures with the daily routine vocabulary.

Learn English with Me!

Later, kids can glue each one on the worksheet below with the time they do that activity. Material Ingl Primar. THE ENGLISH CORNER. ENGLISH ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS. Fantastic Videos For The Holidays. I’m a huge fan of video and especially during holiday time when teachers are in need of strong language learning material in video.

Fantastic Videos For The Holidays

Video is something the class can share and celebrate the end of the semester as class. Of course, there are so many other great reasons to use it daily in class. Here are a few of my “go to” Xmas video lessons. EFL Classroom 2.0 members can get them with full resources for teaching + hundreds more full video lessons. Just click through on the title of each. A unique thing about the community is you know the video is always there unlike Youtube where often these perfect videos you spend time making lessons for, disappear. Also see this wonderful and free Xmas course on EnglishCentral where your students can study Christmas related vocabulary. . #1 The Snowman. It’s a magic “silent video” which can be used in many ways. . #2 The Impossible Present This short, short video highlights loads of Christmas related vocabulary.

. #3 The Gift Of The Magi #4. Eva's Blog: Proud to be an EFL Teacher. Hello Dear Friends, This week I will be teaching “Healthy Food and Healthy Body”, one of the songs that I have incorporated into my classes for teaching about food, is this one: My students love it and it is a great way for them to practice the food group names, some food vocabulary and how food can help our bodies.

Eva's Blog: Proud to be an EFL Teacher

However, I also think that we have to search for new materials and songs to add some variety to our classes. I found this new song, and I like it so far: On my blog, I also posted some time ago a post about the Food Pyramid, you can find more info there. A help for my students! A Room With a View: Class 3 — Sharing our enthusiasm for learning! 4th Grade Homeschool Workload - Confessions of a Homeschooler. Hey guys!

4th Grade Homeschool Workload - Confessions of a Homeschooler

I’m back today with another fun video for you! Today we’re taking a closer look at what is in my 4th grade workboxes, and for something new, we’re going to be looking in her drawers via video spy cam! Okay, we’re not really spying, but it really is a video of her daily work, plus some lovely commentary from me as we browse through her drawers! A Brookburn Primary School blog. Profil d'utilisateur : WILLY. Escola Montserrat - English Blog. Larry Ferlazzo’s English Website.

There are many pages on my main website, and they have nearly 8,000 categorized links appropriate for English Language Learners.

Larry Ferlazzo’s English Website

The best place to start exploring is the Main English Page. You can read an overview about each section of my website on the Teacher’s Page. This page also has many links specifically useful to teachers. Classroom Freebies. Greeting Students. Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals. PEN Group Online: Our Projects. Get Started! Funtastic English. LEARNING WITH A SMILE!