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Amit Nagpal

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Lead Generation Marketing. Intelligent Data Management Solution. Digital Marketing Services. An Overview Research shows that B2B buyers complete 57% of the buying decision before ever actively engaging with a sales rep!

Digital Marketing Services

That’s the power of Digital marketing and how it can turn decision-making in your favour. But in absence of the right content strategy and an omni-channel approach, effective leverage of the digital channels and buyer enablement is not possible. Whether you are looking to make your targeting effective, or building a defined content and creative strategy, or looking for ways to enable the selling ecosystem or even run a nurturing campaign that improves customer stickiness – we have a customised digital solution that we would love to talk about.

Digital Marketing Services in UK. An Overview Research shows that B2B buyers complete 57% of the buying decision before ever actively engaging with a sales rep!

Digital Marketing Services in UK

That’s the power of Digital marketing and how it can turn decision-making in your favour. But in absence of the right content strategy and an omni-channel approach, effective leverage of the digital channels and buyer enablement is not possible. Whether you are looking to make your targeting effective, or building a defined content and creative strategy, or looking for ways to enable the selling ecosystem or even run a nurturing campaign that improves customer stickiness – we have a customised digital solution that we would love to talk about. Demand Gen Series- A 6-Step Guide to Achieve Better Quality B2B Leads. Getting a high volume of leads but the number of successful sales still low.

Demand Gen Series- A 6-Step Guide to Achieve Better Quality B2B Leads

Does it sound like an often-relatable situation? 50% of the leads in any sales funnel are nowhere near being ready to buy. Bad leads are an expensive proposition for any business. Not just because they eventually don’t convert but also because of the time and energy spent by the team in chasing them does monetary (to the company) as well as morale harm (to the agents). But Why Are You Getting Poor Leads? B2B Sales Enablement Services. Case Studies & Success Stories. In the competitive sales landscape, brands are vying for the same customer pie. In this scenario, new customer acquisition is the biggest goal for the sales teams.

A thoughtful customer acquisition strategy including a detailed accounting of the platforms that are to be used, the metrics required to measure success, timelines, and the manpower necessary to accomplish it efficiently is essential for successful sales outcome. Over the years, Denave has built the competency to acquire net new customers via strong sales campaigns leveraging intelligent database platforms, methodology-driven telesales and field marketing programs and targeted digital marketing campaigns for an effective customer identification and acquisition. Maintaining financial health that too in an increasingly challenging environment has always been the biggest priority for businesses. Expanding business beyond their current presence provides businesses a compelling path to accelerate their future growth trajectory. Break free from the tunnel vision of Trade Marketing. 5 innovations that will change the SFA landscape and make it future.

End to End Sales Enablement Services. B2B Sales Enablement Services. Sales Enablement Services. Creating Stronger Sales Pipeline. Experiential marketing: Adding value to the brands. Experiential marketing is also referred to as ‘live marketing’ or ‘event marketing experience’ as it aims at creating a lasting impact on the consumer.

Experiential marketing: Adding value to the brands

We often choose to visit a live concert than listening to the exact same music at home. Similarly, we feel different while watching live cricket versus seeing it over television. Probably, there is something instinctively different about being a part of something as opposed to merely witnessing it through technological conduit. In an era, where a majority of customers look for personalized experiences and yearn for meaningful interactions with a brand before making a purchase, experiential marketing just swoops in as an essential marketing strategy. Experiential Marketing aims to allow consumers to witness something tangible, associated with the brand either as an exhibition or as a live event.

It provides real and unique value in terms of consumer awareness, improving perceptions and building lasting relationships. BI & Analytics – Understanding the Present Day Outlook. Podcasts. Break free from the tunnel vision of Trade Marketing! Resource Center. Whats next for BI. Retail Redefined Where does the innovation takes us. When can a mobile CRM fail you! How technology is reshaping Indian retail? B2B Demand Generation Services. How technology is reshaping Indian retail? Are you Leveraging your Data Fully? Stepping into the World of Data Security. Importance of Data warehousing and the changing landscape of BI. Can AI and Big Data Analytics remodel Retail?

Data Visualisation and Better ROIs: Let's Find the Link. Denave's Unified Database Platform – Putting Database Worries to Rest! How AI Is Making BI Smarter. Experiential marketing – Key to build Brand equity! Whats next for BI. How Technology is Transforming the Retail Game? Acing the Art of Geo-Penetration: Channel Breadth Management. Database Management gone wrong! What have you missed? Selling Through Social Media Marketing. Trusted Partners and Experienced Salesforce. Intelligent Database Management. E-Books. Intelligent Database Management.

B2B Telesales Services. Sales Enablement – Delving into the Fundamentals. Time to change your Sales Force Automation strategy? Merchandising Analytics - Denave. Solving the Automation Puzzle and Scaling up Your Sales. Sales Enablers: Ensuring the Success of Your Sales Enablement Plan. Vegetable Biryani Is Pulao! It’s a Myth – FoodsOnStreet.

FoodsOnStreet – Love what you eat. Google Algorithm Updates - Latest News & History. Rank Risk Index - Desktop Version December 2017 Maccabee Update Update AlertDecember 20, 2017 On December 20th, the Rank Risk Index tracked a significant increase in rank fluctuations.

Google Algorithm Updates - Latest News & History

The update was a one day algorithmic event on desktop, where fluctuation levels went as high as 71 on the scale. This came on the heels of industry chatter that there was an update a few days prior to the one tracked on the 20th. November 2017 Mid-November Significant Google Update Update AlertNovember 15, 2017 On November 14th the desktop Rank Risk Index started tracking increased rank fluctuations. The fluctuations on mobile were of a similar nature. Industry chatter also confirms the roll-out of a substantial Google update. To date, and quite predictably, Google has not commented on the update. October 2017 Google ccTLDs No Longer Give Access to International Search Results Confirmed UpdateOctober 27, 2017 September 2017.