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New Energy India. Organize all your interests naturally. Organize all your interests naturally. Organize all your interests naturally. Organize all your interests naturally. Explore your community of interests. Add anything from anywhere. How to Forecast Weather | - StumbleUpon. Ever wondered how to forecast the weather without actually using instruments? Check the Clouds: Clouds can tell us a lot about the weather. For example, they can tell us if it’s going to be warmer on a particular night by simply being there. That’s because they prevent heat radiation from escaping.

They can also tell you whether there will be rain and whether there will be bad weather in general (when you see clouds moving in opposite directions of each other). Check the Humidity: If you’re one of those people whose hair gets all curly when it gets really humid out, you know exactly what this is about. Check the Animals: Birds only fly in the sky when they expect fair weather ahead. Look at the Rainbow (but only in the west) and look for a Red Sky: If you see one in the west, it means a major storm front is coming. Check the Air: If it smells like a compost heap, expect some rain soon. Check the Moon: Seen any red moons lately? Check the Wind: A Few More Ideas: Emergency and Disaster Information Service - StumbleUpon. Share all of this!