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Kunstgeschichte Online – Der Städel Kurs zur Moderne. Open Education, MOOCs, and Opportunities. Reusable Learning Resources The initial development of online learning technology began at scale with the development of the learning management system (LMS) in the mid-1990s.

Open Education, MOOCs, and Opportunities

These systems were modeled on distance education resources such as programmed texts and course workbooks. These were designed originally by organizations such as the Open University, in Britain, and Canada's Athabasca University. Online courses were developed according to a protocol that developed over 20 years of experience. Learning and Connectivism in MOOCs. MOOCs are not enough. How to use the full potential of online education? - Ideas Changing the World. Even having 100K students watching lectures online, it is the same old teaching model.

MOOCs are not enough. How to use the full potential of online education? - Ideas Changing the World

Simple moving old education to the web is not enough.


Understanding MOOCs from the perspective of Actor Network Theory (ANT): Refraiming pedagogy and unmasking power. Beyond Free - Open Learning in a Networked World. Heinz Nixdorf Institut: Teilnahme und Programm. Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Universität Paderborn26. und 27.

Heinz Nixdorf Institut: Teilnahme und Programm

Juni 2014Fürstenallee 11 Im April 1994 stand zum ersten Mal ein plattformübergreifender Browser (Mosaic) mit grafischer Benutzungsoberfläche und eingebetteten Objekten, die nicht extra nachgeladen werden mussten, zur Verfügung. Das World Wide Web und die Browser-Technologie haben sich in den folgenden 20 Jahren als weltweiter Standard für die Nutzung von E-Learning etabliert. Anlass genug, innezuhalten und über den erreichten Stand zu reflektieren.

Dazu veranstaltet das Heinz Nixdorf Institut ein Symposium, auf dem bekannte Pioniere des E-Learning zusammen mit herausragenden jüngeren Wissenschaftlern auf diesem Gebiet die Reflektion über die Vergangenheit mit dem Stand der Kunst und den Perspektiven für die kommenden Jahre verknüpfen. Die Teilnahme an dem Symposium ist kostenlos, jedoch ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich.


Four Proven Advantages of Online Learning (That are NOT the Cost, Accessibility or Flexibility) Meine Bearbeitung zu Woche 2 zum #ldlmooc #stoffsammlung. Why Unizin is a Threat to edX. In the week since we published our Unizin exposé, there has been nary a peep from the group to us, or apparently to the traditional news outlets either.

Why Unizin is a Threat to edX

MOOC. Truth about MOOCs: Do they inform you or educate you? 2 Flares Twitter 1 Facebook 1 Google+ 0 LinkedIn 0 inShare0 2 Flares × In the last few years, MOOCs have become the most searched keyword in the digital world.

Truth about MOOCs: Do they inform you or educate you?

Once you dig into the world of MOOCs, you see the battle of words that is currently on among famous professors, academicians, educationists, editors of tech chronicles, and bloggers. The basic question around which the whole edifice of this current debate is built, is: ‘Are MOOCs the best way to satisfy the global thirst for education?’ Jeff Selingo, contributing editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education and a famous author, states, “The idea of offering free courses online to tens of thousands of students has suddenly become the latest, greatest way to ‘fix’ higher ed; promoted by education-technology entrepreneurs and bemoaned by traditional academics.”

While jumping on the MOOC bandwagon, it’s highly important for teachers to understand the pedagogy of online teaching. Dr. Flipped learning skepticism: Can students really learn on their own? - Casting Out Nines. We’re currently looking at points of skepticism about flipped learning and the flipped classroom.

Flipped learning skepticism: Can students really learn on their own? - Casting Out Nines

In the last post, we discussed the issue of students objecting to the flipped classroom because it is nothing more than having students teach themselves the subject. Flipped-learning skepticism: can students really learn on their own? We’re currently looking at points of skepticism about flipped learning and the flipped classroom.

Flipped-learning skepticism: can students really learn on their own?

In the last post, we discussed the issue of students objecting to the flipped classroom because it is nothing more than having students teach themselves the subject. Passive MOOC students don’t retain new knowledge, study finds. Students in massive open online courses are apt to take a passive approach to learning, avoiding collaboration with others, seeking only passing grades, and therefore not retaining new knowledge, a new study has found.

Passive MOOC students don’t retain new knowledge, study finds

Researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University surveyed about 400 students who were taking the Harvard Medical School’s “Fundamentals of Clinical Trials,” a MOOC intended for health professionals and offered through the U.S. -based platform edX. The researchers found that most students entered the course hoping to gain skills to boost their careers.

Prof. Schulmeister zu Mathe-, MOOCs und mehr. iMoox. Ohne Dozenten geht es nicht. Udacity's Sebastian Thrun, Godfather Of Free Online Education, Changes Course. There's a story going around college campuses—whispered about over coffee in faculty lounges, held up with great fanfare in business-school sections, and debated nervously by chain-smoking teaching assistants.

Udacity's Sebastian Thrun, Godfather Of Free Online Education, Changes Course

It begins with a celebrated Stanford University academic who decides that he isn't doing enough to educate his students. Universitäre Lehre: Der Online-Angriff auf den Unterricht - Forschung und Lehre. Are we already entering a post-MOOC era? The introduction of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) a couple of years ago prompted a heady mixture of excitement, panic, and scepticism.

Are we already entering a post-MOOC era?

MOOCs simultaneously promised: A Compendium of MOOC Perspectives, Research, and Resources. Debates about MOOCs and their attendant controversies continue to proliferate. What administrators and IT leaders in higher education need, however, is an overview of MOOCs and information resources to help fathom what they mean for institutions. Judith A. Pirani is a consultant at the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR) and president of Sheep Pond Associates. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) remain higher education's hot and sexy topic, influencing discussion and media, and creating conjecture and controversy. Student Data is the New Oil: MOOCs, Metaphor, and Money.

Below are the notes and slides from my talk yesterday at Columbia University. The talk was part of the university's Conversations About Online Learning series, and my trip was sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning. Three Kinds of MOOCs. By Lisa, on August 15th, 2012 We are so into MOOCs now that it’s too much for me. Gotta apply Ockham’s Razor 2.0 to this stuff. At the Ed-Media conference, I attended a session by Sarah Schrire of Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv. In her discussion of Troubleshooting MOOCs, she noted the dificulties in determining her own direction in offering a MOOC in the “Stanford model” MOOCs versus the “connectivism” MOOCs.

I found myself breaking it down into three categories instead. Each type of MOOC has all three elements (networks, tasks and content), but each has a goal that is dominant. Network-based MOOCs are the original MOOCs, taught by Alec Couros, George Siemens, Stephen Downes, Dave Cormier. Task-based MOOCs emphasize skills in the sense that they ask the learner to complete certain types of work.