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Sexy Horizontal Animated Menu with Kwicks for jQuery. Realistic Hover Effect With jQuery — Adrian Pelletier. Using jQuery for Background Image Animations. After reading Dave Shea's article on CSS Sprites using jQuery to produce animation effects, I felt like playing around with things to see what could be done but accomplish it with a simpler HTML structure (no need for adding superfluous tags) and simpler code, too.

Using jQuery for Background Image Animations

Changing the position of the background image felt to be the best approach to creating the type of effect we're looking for (and I'm not the first to think so: see the examples at the end of this article). jQuery is a great library for this type of task but out of the box, it can't animate background position properly because of the need to animate two values instead of just one (too bad not all browsers implemented the non-standard background-position-x and -y like Internet Explorer). You'll have to use the Background-Position plugin that is linked in the demo (the original plugin is no longer available on the jQuery site). How to Make a Smooth Animated Menu with jQuery. Ever seen some excellent jQuery navigation that left you wanting to make one of your own?

How to Make a Smooth Animated Menu with jQuery

Today we’ll aim to do just that by building a menu and animate it with some smooth effects. The Goal – One Smooth Menu.